Child burn victim finds home across borders
Jolene, who was badly burned in an accident in China, thrives with her adoptive family in Maryland.
- Trial to find if cheerleading is sport
- Va. school seeks reform
- LA teacher makes algebra cool
- Literacy tutors put dreams into action
- Pr. Geo. schools approve cellphone ban
- Fairfax schools seek corporate funds
- 6 D.C. schools to be overhauled
Hispanic students taking AP Spanish: a scam?
Two of my children, whose parents can’t speak Spanish and didn’t take it in school, worked hard to learn that language and now use it in their jobs. They are truly bilingual. This impresses people. So why are we not similarly gratified when Hispanic students with fewer advantages than my kids work just as hard to master the same two important languages?
WTU elections muddle deepens
Washington Teachers' Union president George Parker continues to take serious heat for his handling of officer elections, which were supposed to take place in May, but now appear to be sliding into September. On Friday, an attorney for general vice president Nathan Saunders, one of Parker's two re-election opponents, filed a complaint with the Department of Labor alleging that Parker has improperly tampered with the conduct of the contest.
This is more than an arcane, intramural dispute. The next