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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Work looks like play at PE teachers institute |

Work looks like play at PE teachers institute |

Work looks like play at PE teachers institute

Beanbags flew through the air as teammates attempted to knock a giant “obesity ball” – a huge cloth-covered orb some 10 times bigger than the standard beach ball – back toward the opposing side’s goal line.

Nearby, other students sharpened fine motor skills as they threw and caught balls one after another in a “group juggling” exercise.

And in the far corner of the gym, another group of students gleefully practiced their zombie walk as they learned the steps to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” dance.

Other activities in the week’s agenda: fencing with foam noodles; hip-hop dancing; jumping jack tag; Frisbee fitness routines; building foam brick skyscrapers; jump rope routines; creepy crawler tag…

The students are all Colorado physical education teachers, and the instructors are all national award-winners who’ve come from around the country to participate in the 8th annual Denver Public Schools Physical Education and Dance Summer Institute, a three-day affair that culminates Wednesday, June 16 at Metropolitan State College.

Though it looks for all the world like summer camp for adults, it’s actually a professional development course that gradually is changing the way physical education is taught in Colorado, insists Eric Larson,