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Friday, June 4, 2010

This Week In Education: USDE: List of States Making RTTT-Related Changes

This Week In Education: USDE: List of States Making RTTT-Related Changes

USDE: List of States Making RTTT-Related Changes

ScreenHunter_15 May. 01 13.53Here's the list from the USDE to go along with the claim that 23 states have made changes to their laws to try and win RTTT funding. Make of it what you will.
Standards- States that have signed onto the State Standards Initiative Charters- States that have enacted legislation creating or expanding the number of charter schools Teacher Quality- States that have enacted legislation that ties/will tie teacher evaluations to student data or removed the “firewall” on student data. Teacher Contracts- New contracts that address student achievement in teacher compensation.
STANDARDS . 48 states and the District of Columbia have joined a national partnership led by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers to develop a common core of new, rigorous college and career-ready standards in reading and math.
CHARTERS Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Utah, New York, and Tennessee have all altered laws or policies to create or expand the number of charter schools.Kentucky, Mississippi, and Idaho are considering similar legislation to create or expand the number of charter schools. South Dakota has created legislation allowing for the creation of a pilot Native American charter school if it receives a federal grant to do so.