Posted at 6:30 AM ET, 06/ 4/2010
Florida’s Race to Top application: Not what it seems
No sooner had the deadline passed for the second round of applications from participating states in the Obama administration’s $4 billion Race to the Top contest than we learn that at least one bid isn’t quite what it seems.
Posted by Valerie Strauss | Permalink | Comments (0)RECENT POSTS
Posted at 5:30 AM ET, 06/ 4/2010
How brain drains will save the world
In our comfortable spot at the top of the world's higher ed pyramid, we are ignoring one of the most powerful trends of the 21st century---a growing free trade in great minds. Ben Wildavsky argues this will make this era more innovative, and more prosperous, than any that human civilization has seen.
D.C. teachers' union ratifies new contract
Deal includes raises of 21.6 percent over five years and groundbreaking performance pay program.
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Where were the teachers?
Slightly more than half of the approximately 3,400 Washington teachers eligible to vote on ratification of an historic new contract ended up casting ballots, according to union president George Parker. The total vote was 1,837, with five ballots voided. The contract passed 1,412 to 425.
Parker said he thinks that was a more-than-acceptable turnout, even with three voting options: mail, telephone or Web. Most teachers who voted "yes" opted for the web (613), followed by mail (554) and phone (245).
The turnout was markedly higher than than the last union presidential election, when about 1,200 votes were cast, Parker said. With another