Thompson: Tale of Two Schools and One Union
Except for a cheap shot against the union, the Wall Street Journal’s story of Ivan Cantera and Laura Corro in south Oklahoma City was not bad. Ivan described middle school where, "‘every single morning on our way to school we'd smoke weed,’ and he frequently slipped into class after 10 a.m. and snuck liquor into school." Ivan turned around at Santa Fe South Charter School "which had a firm policy of expelling students who fought or carried drugs on campus." Laura attended Capitol Hill High School "which was once featured on the History Channel series ‘Gangland’ and where two police officers are assigned to the school." "’We play by different rules,’" said the Capitol Hill principal, not
Funding: Fewer States Cutting Education Than Last Year (So Far) [image: 500x_emergency] It's actually not as bad as last year -- at least not so far: "Last year, 34 states reduced K-12 education funding in their budgets, according to the National Governors' Association. Another six had to make cuts later, after ...
AM News: States Wait & Hope For Federal Funds [image: 6a00e54f8c25c988340133ef5f8fd8970b-200wi]States and schools: A race against time Statline: The federal government is preparing to provide $4 billion in money to help state and local school systems. But some cash-starved systems may not be able ...