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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Schools Matter: Ravitch's Top 10 Reasons for Refusing RTTT

Schools Matter: Ravitch's Top 10 Reasons for Refusing RTTT

Ravitch's Top 10 Reasons for Refusing RTTT

From Bridging Differences, ht to Monty Neill:

. . . . As I listened to teachers and principals, I concluded that states and districts should not participate in the Race to the Top. It might better be called the Race to Nowhere, or as some have dubbed it, the Race to the Trough or the Dash to the Cash.
Here are my top 10 reasons for saying no:
  1. The money that states win cannot plug budget gaps, but must be applied to meeting the requirements of the Race.
  2. The Race demands that states evaluate teachers by their students' test scores. Some states are legislating that 50 percent of a teacher's evaluation be based on student scores. There is no basis in research or science for 50 percent or 20 percent or any other number. Of course, supervisors should take test scores into account when evaluating teachers, but they should not be required to use a fixed percentage, determined arbitrarily by legislators.
  3. The issue of how to evaluate teachers should be resolved by professional associations, working in concert, such as the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Education, and other professional groups. The state legislatures do not determine how other