School officials are parsing data to try to figure out why educational outcomes for Denver Public Schools students are inconsistent from region to region.
Using data collected in the annual Strategic Regional Analysis, leaders see why students leave their home schools, where the weakest schools are located, and how to address overcrowding and high vacancies.
The goal of the analysis is not to nitpick the numbers but to make every school perform at a high level and to ensure that all students graduate ready for college and careers, said Superintendent Tom Boasberg.
"We need to keep our eye on what are we ultimately trying to do here," Boasberg said at a board meeting Monday — pointing to a chart that shows the
district's graduation statistics and how many students needed to take remedial classes once they got to college.
"You see those percentages are truly a crisis," Boasberg said about the remediation rates of North and West high schools — where 96 percent and 99 percent of graduates needed remedial classes when in college.
The results of the SRA might include turnaround strategies for existing schools and opening new schools to address the lapses, he said.
"It calls out how much more work we need to do to significantly improve," he said, adding t