Latest News and Comment from Education

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Education - Everything you need to know about the world of education.

Education- Everything you need to know about the world of education.

Concern over accented teachers not original to Arizona

The state of Arizona has gotten a lot of attention lately for its decision to remove teachers who speak with pronounced foreign accent and/or whose speech is ungrammatical from classrooms with students learning to speak English. But the idea wasn’t original to the Arizona Board of Education.

Why transparency in college admissions is bad

Impose transparency on the holistic system used by selective colleges--a subjective judgment based on several factors--and the result is no less maddening. The admissions office would have to issue statements like "the candidate's extracurricular involvements were not as intense and her teacher recommendations not as impressive as those of candidates we accepted."

Pink slip season for principals

May is the dangerous month for DCPS principals, when Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee sends letters informing them whether or not they will be renewed for another academic year. Spokeswoman Jennifer Calloway said the District will be ready "in the coming weeks" to announce which schools will have new leaders, but word of the turnover is already starting to circulate.
According to Candi Peterson's "The Washington Teacher" blog, Cathy Crocker of Kelly Miller Middle School and Donald Presswood of Stanton Elementary have not been asked back. Crocker, who has been at Kelly Miller for just one year, said in a phone interview Monday morning that her departure was a planned retirement after 36 years as an educator, including posts in Fairfax County and at American University. "I'm going to enjoy life," she said. Presswood did not return a phone message as of early Monday afternoon.

Calloway said in an e-mail: "All DC Public School principals, by law,