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Thursday, March 4, 2010 - A Global Leading News Source - A Global Leading News Source

No-Child Law Is a Highlight of Hearing on Education3.4.10 - San Dillon - WASHINGTON - Secretary of Education Arne Duncan is presiding over the rollout of the largest competitive grant program in his department's history, a vast expansion of the government's direct loan program for college students and sweeping new expenditures on failing schools, teacher quality and other big initiatives.
Darwin Foes Add Warming to Targets
Critics of the teaching of evolution in the nation's classrooms are gaining ground in some states by linking the issue to global warming, arguing that dissenting...

Beyond pie charts: Are your school district's checks online?3.3.10 - Peyton Wolcott - What better way to introduce National Sunshine Week than with good news about the
Teacher firings ripple past Central Falls' border
Inside the front door to Central Falls High School, across the street from a boarded-up building, an archway is adorned with an unambiguous boast: "Through these halls pass the world's best... 

Students lobby lawmakers on higher-education funding
3.4.10 - "Our elected leaders are responsible for keeping tuition in Colorado low," said Andrew Bateman
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