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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Teacher salaries | Napa Valley Register

Teacher salaries Napa Valley Register:

"No one ever gets rich teaching. I doesn’t matter how good you are or where you work, the rewards of teaching are not financial. That said, I can’t complain that much about my salary. The party line is that teachers are poorly paid, but the truth is more nuanced. It all depends on your perspective.

First of all, teachers are seasonal employees. We work the school year, not the business year. The average American works 50 weeks with around 10 days paid holidays, around 240 days annually. The average teacher works 180 days. So I work about 75 percent of the time the average person does. We are effectively laid off every summer. Having summers off is a perk to some, but to others the loss of income needs to be made up with summer jobs."