Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Santa Monica Mirror

Santa Monica Mirror:

"The District has several committees working on ways to deal with the deficit which could include reducing expenditures and/or revenue enhancements. They are the Financial Oversight Committee, the Emergency/ Temporary Parcel Tax Feasibility Committee, and the Superintendent’s Budget Committee. Initial recommendations will be discussed at the School Board meeting on December 10.

Cuneo also mentioned that the District is considering having all District staff pay a portion of their health premium with the amount being based upon their salary level in order to save $2.2 million. Currently, the District pays the full premium for its entire staff. This has caused an impasse in District negotiations with its bargaining units so a mediator is being brought in. Another idea is having employees take a reduction in pay so lay offs don’t have to be made and new hires don’t have to made when the budget improves."