Choosing Democracy: Friedrichs' Promise to the Far Right
Choosing Democracy: Friedrichs' Promise to the Far Right: Friedrichs' Promise to the Far RightLast July, 2,000 conservatives and Tea Party activists gathered in Las Vegas for the annual FreedomFest, which featured GOP presidential frontrunners Donald Trump and Marco Rubio. But it was a fourth grade public school teacher from Orange County named Rebecca Friedrichs who promised the far right a priz
New L.A. schools Supt. says schools for girls are one idea to attract families - LA Times
New L.A. schools Supt. says schools for girls are one idea to attract families - LA Times: New L.A. schools chief says single-sex campuses could attract families to districtThe ideas of new Los Angeles Unified School District Supt. Michelle King include opening more all-boys or all-girls schools.(Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times)Howard BlumeIn her first extended interview since taking office this
American Federation of Teachers: 'Public education under attack' | WBFO
American Federation of Teachers: 'Public education under attack' | WBFO: American Federation of Teachers: 'Public education under attack'The leader of the American Federation of Teachers is weighing in on the state's flawed Common Core rollout and school receivership in Buffalo. WBFO's Focus on Education Reporter Eileen Buckley says Randi Weingarten was a member of the Governor's Common Core Task
Julie Delegal exposes the charter war on school board authority | The Edvocate Blog
Julie Delegal exposes the charter war on school board authority | The Edvocate Blog: Julie Delegal exposes the charter war on school board authorityCHARTER LOBBY VS. SCHOOL BOARDSAs failing charters drain millions of dollars from districts, a well-funded lobby led by disgraced former representative Ralph Arza of the Florida Charter School Alliance has declared war on school-board authority, callin
Help Set the Course For Sac City | Ellen Cochrane - A Teacher on the School Board
Help Set the Course For Sac City | Ellen Cochrane: Help Set the Course For Sac City Help Set the Course For Sac City | Ellen Cochrane:Nobody knows better than parents what their kids need. And nobody knows better than teachers, on the front lines every day, what students need to succeed. Respecting teachers, and promoting a partnership between the board, students, parents, and teachers will take p
What Every Parent Should Know About Great Oaks Charter | WeArePCAPS
What Every Parent Should Know About Great Oaks CharterWhat Every Parent Should Know About Great Oaks CharterThe following is a slightly edited leaflet produced by Parents UnitedTHEY’VE FAILED BEFORE AND NOW THEY’RE BACK FOR MORESteve Klinsky Michael DuffeyMichael Duffey and Steve Klinsky are the NYers behind Great Oaks who leaded the failed for-proft charter
Save Our Schools March – 2016 Coalition for Action Endorsements
Save Our Schools March – 2016 Coalition for Action Endorsements: We appreciate the continued commitment to Save Our Schools,the 2016 Coalition for Action,and public education from the following supporters:Badass Teachers Association (BATs)The Center for Expansion of Language and Thinking (CELT)Children Are More Than Test ScoresAnthony Cody – National Board certified science teacher, founder of Tea
Malloy/Wyman moving forward with threats to punish schools districts that respect parents’ “opt-out” rights - Wait What?
Malloy/Wyman moving forward with threats to punish schools districts that respect parents’ “opt-out” rights - Wait What?: Malloy/Wyman moving forward with threats to punish schools districts that respect parents’ “opt-out” rightsREMEMBER: There is no federal or state law, regulation or legal policy that prohibits Connecticut parents from opting their children out of the destructive Common Core te
DPS plan: Detroit voters would elect new school board
DPS plan: Detroit voters would elect new school board: DPS plan: Detroit voters would elect new school boardLansing — Detroit voters would get to elect a new city school board in November following the appointment of an interim board charged with starting a debt-free school district under legislation overhauling Detroit Public Schools to be introduced Thursday.Gov. Rick Snyder and Mayor Mike Dugga
How Much Do We Hate Our Children?
1/14/2016 – How Much De We Hate Our Children?:1/14/2016 – How Much Do We Hate Our Children?THIS WEEK: Fixing Urban Schools … Computers Widen Achievement Gap … Closing Schools Hurts Students … College Degree Gap Grows … Why We Need UnionsTOP STORYHow Much Do We Hate Our Children?By Jeff Bryant“Conversations with Americans still elicit lots of sentiment for the well-being of kids. But it’s increasin
CURMUDGUCATION: ESSA Accountability: Part II (P.S. Mike)
CURMUDGUCATION: ESSA Accountability: Part II (P.S. Mike): ESSA Accountability: Part II (P.S. Mike)Almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, I realized that I had left out an important part of my accountability plan. You can read the first part of this wonkery here-- now for the addendum (hey-- I've already shown that I'm a scofflaw, so why not blow through the 2,000 word limit for submissions)I do
Ca’s accountability plan may prove a model to the nation :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet
Ca’s accountability plan may prove a model to the nation :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: Ca’s accountability plan may prove a model to the nation(Calif.) Even in the absence of detailed guidance on how schools and states will transition to the newly reauthorized Every Student Succeeds Act, the California State Board of Education continued W
Randi Weingarten: What's Next for Public Unions? | WBEZ 91.5 Chicago
What's Next for Public Unions? | WBEZ 91.5 Chicago: What's Next for Public Unions? Union leaders representing some 10 million state government workers like police officers and teachers are no doubt a bit nervous these days with the U.S. Supreme Court likely to rule against public unions in a case brought by California teachers.At issue is whether state government workers who choose not to join a u
See how LAUSD has wavered between picking leaders from the outside and within - LA Times
See how LAUSD has wavered between picking leaders from the outside and within - LA Times: See how LAUSD has wavered between picking leaders from the outside and withinLOCAL Education LAUSD See how LAUSD has wavered between picking leaders from the outside and withinKingMichelle King is the first African American woman to lead L.A. Unified. (Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times)One of the most salient h
Opt-Out Activists Aim to Build on Momentum in States - Education Week
Opt-Out Activists Aim to Build on Momentum in States - Education Week: Testing Skeptics Aim to Build Support for Opt-Out StrategyRiding what they see as a wave of anti-testing sentiment among parents, opponents of high-stakes assessments believe a strategy known as opt-out-having parents refuse to let their children take state-mandated tests-could force policymakers to take note of their cause.Onc
Hey, NJ and the nation–the feds say you can’t handle the truth about Christie and the bridge | Bob Braun's Ledger
Hey, NJ and the nation–the feds say you can’t handle the truth about Christie and the bridge | Bob Braun's Ledger: Hey, NJ and the nation–the feds say you can’t handle the truth about Christie and the bridgeIn a few weeks, voters in Iowa and New Hampshire—in contests with portentous consequences for the nation—will be deciding who they want to be president of the United States. One of those candid
Emergency Managers Burden Detroit Public Schools with Staggering Deficit | janresseger
Emergency Managers Burden Detroit Public Schools with Staggering Deficit | janresseger: Emergency Managers Burden Detroit Public Schools with Staggering DeficitWhat is happening most notably in Detroit but also in Philadelphia and Chicago would not be possible in your public schools if you live in a prosperous community or a middle income suburb, or a small city or town with a mix of rich and midd
King: the right jewel for LAUSD’s crown – redqueeninla
King: the right jewel for LAUSD’s crown – redqueeninla: King: the right jewel for LAUSD’s crownWednesday morning dawned a superlative sunrise here in LA ~ roseate clouds fronting exhilaratingly blue sky, a morning-after display suffused with color worthy of our news.Not Obama’s Tuesday night swan song, nor Mayor Butts’ hyperbolic certituderegarding Inglewood’s free municipal lunch (at 5:10), but t
Campaign on child poverty mocks tourism ads, drawing ire of state officials - The Santa Fe New Mexican: Local News
Campaign on child poverty mocks tourism ads, drawing ire of state officials - The Santa Fe New Mexican: Local News: Campaign on child poverty mocks tourism ads, drawing ire of state officialsAn image posted on newmexicotruth.org spoofs the state’s ‘New Mexico True’ campaign, which is designed to attract tourists. St. Joseph’s Children’s ‘New Mexico Truth’ campaign is designed to shine a light on c
What If the Wealthy Donated to Fixing Public School Buildings?
What If the Wealthy Donated to Fixing Public School Buildings?: What If the Wealthy Donated to Fixing Public School Buildings?According to a 2014 PBS report, more than half of the nation’s public school buildings are in bad shape, and it will take $197 billion to fix or rebuild them. Where will all the money come from to do this?I checked, and most of the Presidential candidates on both sides have
Parents: Who is (mis)Labeling Your Children? – Missouri Education Watchdog
Parents: Who is (mis)Labeling Your Children? – Missouri Education Watchdog: Parents: Who is (mis)Labeling Your Children?Labels are good on soup cans, on prescription bottles, but on children? …not so much.Here’s a newsflash for the data driven educrats: Children change, develop at different rates, aren’t easily or accurately quantified. Data can bebiased and data can be wrong.Take, for example, a
Dignity and Respect in Public Schools - Bridging Differences - Education Week
Dignity and Respect in Public Schools - Bridging Differences - Education Week: Dignity and Respect in Public SchoolsDeborah Meier continues her conversation with Harry Boyte. To read their full exchange, please visit here.Dear Harry and friends,I've spent the last five days trying to get my new fancy iPhone 6 Plus to work. Hours on the phone and a visit back to the Apple store Genius and ... it st
Giving Every Child in America a Fair Shot at a Great Education | U.S. Department of Education
Giving Every Child in America a Fair Shot at a Great Education | U.S. Department of Education: Giving Every Child in America a Fair Shot at a Great Education In the days immediately following the State of the Union, Cabinet officials are embarking on the “State of the Union: Cabinet In Your Community” road tour to engage Americans in small towns, big cities and Indian country about the advancement
Is Alabama the New, New Mexico? | VAMboozled!
Is Alabama the New, New Mexico? | VAMboozled!: Is Alabama the New, New Mexico?In Alabama, the Grand Old Party (GOP) has put forth a draft bill to be entitled as an act and ultimately called the Rewarding Advancement in Instruction and Student Excellence (RAISE) Act of 2016. The purpose of the act will be to…wait for it…use test scores to grade and pay teachers annual bonuses (i.e., “supplements”)
How one student asked the state to tackle a looming education question - LA Times
How one student asked the state to tackle a looming education question - LA Times: How one student asked the state to tackle a looming education questionOakland High School junior Sky Lowe addressed the Board of Education on Wednesday. (Pamela Palma)The roomful of grownups closed their eyes because a teenager told them to. “Imagine if you are 16 years old. It’s only Tuesday, and all you have left
Detroit teachers fed up with shoddy school conditions - CBS News
Detroit teachers fed up with shoddy school conditions - CBS News: Detroit teachers fed up with shoddy school conditionsView More: Live News|More News VideosDETROIT -- Many teachers in the Detroit Public Schools spent a third day out sick Wednesday in protest of conditions in the debt-strapped school district. Since Monday, nearly 70 schools have had to close due to a teacher sickout. Teachers clai
Where in the world teachers make the most money, and the least - Quartz
Where in the world teachers make the most money, and the least - Quartz: Where in the world teachers make the most money, and the leastTeaching often involves long hours and grueling effort for little financial return, making the take-home pay of educators the subject of recurring political debates and protests around the world.But the value placed on teacher’s time varies widely globally, the lat
How Walton is Doubling Down on Charter Schools - Inside Philanthropy: Fundraising Intelligence - Inside Philanthropy
How Walton is Doubling Down on Charter Schools - Inside Philanthropy: Fundraising Intelligence - Inside Philanthropy: How Walton is Doubling Down on Charter SchoolsRecent volatility in the stock market has been giving investors plenty of jitters lately, but the Walton Family Foundation has no such worries about its investment in the nation's charter school movement.The funder is so confident, in f
Charter schools campaign draws strong pushback from teachers’ union - The Boston Globe
Charter schools campaign draws strong pushback from teachers’ union - The Boston Globe: Charter schools campaign draws strong pushback from teachers’ unionNews that a business-backed coalition with ties to Governor Charlie Baker could spend up to $18 million on a campaign to increase the number of charter schools in Massachusetts drew a reaction from teachers’ unions this week.A strong one.America
Teachers union plans "Enough is Enough!" rally in capital - Florida Politics
Teachers union plans "Enough is Enough!" rally in capital - Florida Politics: TEACHERS UNION PLANS “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” RALLY IN CAPITALThe Florida Education Association, the statewide teachers union, is planning a noon rally in the Capitol courtyard Thursday to show lawmakers their “anger and exasperation” with how the Legislature handles education issues.The group announced the “Enough
Anonymous no more - Sacramento News & Review
Sacramento News & Review - Anonymous no more - News - Local Stories - January 14, 2016: Anonymous no moreSecond month of City Hall homeless protest propels issue to front pagesPolice confiscated most of the City Hall homeless protesters supplies this past Saturday—but by Monday, activists had regrouped along Ninth Street.PHOTO BY NICK MILLERWhen homeless activists started the occupation of Cit
How Two Opt-Out Leaders View the Presidential Race - Politics K-12 - Education Week
How Two Opt-Out Leaders View the Presidential Race - Politics K-12 - Education Week: How Two Opt-Out Leaders View the Presidential RaceThe testing opt-out movement—and progressive voices on K-12—have big plans to expand their influence after the passage of the Every Student Succeds Act, the latest version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. So how do a couple of the opt-out movement's l
State board no longer willing to let Washington drive accountability | EdSource
State board no longer willing to let Washington drive accountability | EdSource:State board no longer willing to let Washington drive accountabilityMeeting for the first time since President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act, members of the State Board of Education expressed optimism Wednesday that they can create a single system that meshes federal, state and local approaches to school
Ed Notes Online: Detroit Sickout Mystery: Who is Leading and Who is Trying to Stop It?
Ed Notes Online: Detroit Sickout Mystery: Who is Leading and Who is Trying to Stop It?: Detroit Sickout Mystery: Who is Leading and Who is Trying to Stop It?Why am I reporting so much on the Detroit wildcat sickout? Because of comments I've seen by dissident teachers here in NYC who are hoping for a UFT loss on Friedrichs and feel that with a weaker union teachers will arise from their slumber and
My Reaction to the President's State of the Union Address | The Jose Vilson
My Reaction to the President's State of the Union Address | The Jose Vilson: My Reaction to the President’s State of the Union AddressAnytime the president of the United States shouts out teachers, that’s definitely a plus. Well, sorta.As a math teacher, I appreciate the emphasis on STEM in that it has the potential to open doors to students who normally don’t get those opportunities, or that’s th
CURMUDGUCATION: ESSA, Fordham and Accountability: An Open Letter to Mike Petrilli
CURMUDGUCATION: ESSA, Fordham and Accountability: An Open Letter to Mike Petrilli: ESSA, Fordham and Accountability: An Open Letter to Mike PetrilliTO: Mike Petrilli, Fordham InstituteFROM: Peter Greene, English teacherRE: Design competitionYou recently announced a design competition for developing a state-level design for accountability under the new ESSA. I totally meant to indicate my interest
IS FRIEDRICHS VS. CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION A DEATH KNELL FOR ALL UNIONS - Perdaily.com: IS FRIEDRICHS VS. CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION A DEATH KNELL FOR ALL UNIONSThe ramifications of the Friedrichs vs. California Teachers Association (CTA) that is now pending before the United States Supreme Court go far beyond the public sector unions and employees litigating this case with specious al
How Would California Reshape Accountability in the New ESSA Era? - Politics K-12 - Education Week
How Would California Reshape Accountability in the New ESSA Era? - Politics K-12 - Education Week: How Would California Reshape Accountability in the New ESSA Era? The No Child Left Behind Act may be a thing of the past, but its replacement, the Every Student Succeeds Act, won't be fully in place until the 2017-18 school year.So where does that leave states without waivers from NCLB when it comes
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 1/13/15