We appreciate the continued commitment to Save Our Schools,
the 2016 Coalition for Action,
and public education from the following supporters:

Badass Teachers Association (BATs)
Anthony Cody – National Board certified science teacher, founder of Teachers’ Letters to Obama, and author of the Teacher Magazine blog “Living in Dialogue”
FairTest – The National Center for Fair and Open Testing
Dr. Michelle Fine – Distinguished Professor of Social Psychology, Women’s Studies and Urban Education at the Graduate Center, The City University of New York [CUNY.]
Debra Goodman – Associate Professor, Hofstra University
Deborah Meier – Acclaimed educator, MacArthur Fellow, and author of books including The Power of Their Ideas and Playing for Keeps
STCaucus – Caucus of NYSUT Rank and File Teachers, NY
United Opt Out National (UOO)
Save Our Schools March – 2016 Coalition for Action Endorsements: