What If the Wealthy Donated to Fixing Public School Buildings?

According to a 2014 PBS report, more than half of the nation’s public school buildings are in bad shape, and it will take $197 billion to fix or rebuild them. Where will all the money come from to do this?
I checked, and most of the Presidential candidates on both sides have said that they will fix the country’s infrastructure including schools. Sen. Bernie Sanders talks about it the most.
But, before he took office, President Obama spoke about fixing school facilities too, and those promises were lost once he became President and Congress didn’t agree.
What if the wealthy helped fix and maintain real public school buildings?
Wealthy CEOs tend to perseverate on two general messages that fail to consider other serious factors.
- Public schools fail the poor.
- Teachers fail to teach poor children well.
They use these claims to pour their so-called philanthropy into charter schools, Teach for America, etc., to destroy democratic public schooling, disregarding the many What If the Wealthy Donated to Fixing Public School Buildings?: