Anonymous no more
Second month of City Hall homeless protest propels issue to front pages

Police confiscated most of the City Hall homeless protesters supplies this past Saturday—but by Monday, activists had regrouped along Ninth Street.
When homeless activists started the occupation of City Hall grounds on December 8, there wasn’t much action in the local media. But this past Monday night, the 35th day of this homeless campout in the shadow of the city’s headquarters, nearly every television station in town was parked on Ninth Street. Cameras rolled at 5 p.m. as protesters elevated signs and shouted “We demand / a right to rest.” And, online, videos allegedly from hacker group Anonymous trickled on to YouTube.
It’s been a long five weeks for the homeless occupiers. On New Year’s Day, the city manager’s office sent some 50 police officers, many sporting riot gear helmets and masks, into the camp just before midnight, which led to seven citations, including four arrests.
Subsequent police actions eased up on the show of force. Yet enforcement persists; 12 arrests in total this year, plus at least five citations for illegal camping. The first court date for protesters is next week, January 21.
This past Saturday morning, January 9, police confiscated all the tables, blankets, Sacramento News & Review - Anonymous no more - News - Local Stories - January 14, 2016: