Tea Party tells Joe Visconti to drop out of the race for governor…
The Hartford Courant has a story on their blog entitled, Tea Party Ups Call for Joe Visconti to Exit the Governor’s Race, In a response to such an attack, Joe Visconti is certainly more than capable of deciding, on his own, what is best for people of Connecticut and the issues that he believes in. […] The post Tea Party tells Joe Visconti to drop out of the race for governor… appeared first on Wa
Why Malloy’s (and Foley’s) anti-tax pledge is anti-middle class
In a September 3, 2014 Wait, What? post entitled, Foley and Malloy are just plain wrong on taxes, the blog explained that Malloy and Foley are be fiscally irresponsible with their pledge not to propose or raise taxes if they are elected. The article begins with the following; Although Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy is fond […] The post Why Malloy’s (and Foley’s) anti-tax pledge is anti-middle class
9-15-14 Wait What? - Three cheers for campaign finance corruption in Connecticut!
Wait What?: Three cheers for campaign finance corruption in Connecticut!Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy has deposited his check for $6.2 million from the State’s Public Finance System. As a result of Connecticut’s landmark 2005 campaign finance reform bill, in return for raising $250,000 in contributions of under $100, Malloy (and the Republican nominee for governor) have each received $6.2 million i