Strauss: The Washington Post’s Constitution Day quiz
Sept. 17 is Constitution Day, celebrating the document that is at the foundation of the United States of America. Take this quiz to see how much you know about the Constitution. Read full article >>
Poll: Most Americans no longer think a college education is ‘very important’
Amid a national debate about the worth of a college education, a respected annual poll about the education views held by Americans has found that only 44 percent of Americans now believe that getting a college education is “very important” — down from 75 percent four years ago. It also found that a majority of […]
One senior’s story: Starting college admissions process is like ‘being sent out to sea by myself with 20 different maps’
With the 2014-15 school year now in full swing, many high school seniors are finding that they have two jobs: keeping up with classes and filling out college applications. This blog will follow one senior as she navigates the college search and application process. She is Samantha Fogel, a student at The Derryfield School, a […]
How Common Core’s recommended books fail children of color
Critics of the Common Core have questioned a number of different aspects of the standards, including how they were written, whether they are developmentally appropriate and whether too much emphasis has been placed on non-fiction at the cost of literature. Here is a look at an issue that has gotten little attention: How the recommended […]
The Answer Sheet 9-15-14
Answer Sheet: How to get girls more interested in STEM subjectsWhy are girls underrepresented in STEM classes and careers? What can be done about it? Author Annie Murphy Paul discusses that in this post. She is a contributing writer for Time magazine, writes a weekly column about learning for Time.com, blogs about learning for a number of websites and contributes to various publications. She i