State education board slams Obama administration’s testing policies
Vermont’s Board of Education recently passed a resolution on assessment and accountability in public education (see full text below) that slams some of the Obama administration’s key school reform policies. Adding its voice to the growing chorus of critics who have called on the Education Department to reduce its focus on using standardized testing as […]
Does ‘restorative justice’ in campus sexual assault cases make sense?
Meg Mott, a professor of political theory at Marlboro College in Vermont, recent wrote a post published on this blog about how many colleges are mishandling cases of sexual assault on campus. The issue has been getting attention, with with a bipartisan group of senators recently introducting legislation in Congress that would force school officials […]
‘We have a message for you, Secretary Arne Duncan’
Earlier this year, Washington became the first state to lose its waiver from the most onerous parts of No Child Left Behind, flexibility that the U.S. Education Department had granted to a number of states that promised to implement specific school reforms acceptable to Education Secretary Arne Duncan. The reason given by the department was […]
The Answer Sheet 8-28-14
Answer Sheet: Assistant principal who secretly changed son’s grades gets $7,000 fineTeachers can lose their jobs if their students don’t do well enough on standardized tests. An assistant principal in New York City who secretly changed 11 of his own son’s test scores and class grades received a $7,000 fine but still remains employed by the Education Department. The New York Daily News explains in