Did Arne Duncan Really Say, "Testing Is Sucking The Oxygen Out Of The Room"? | The Range: The Tucson Weekly's Daily Dispatch | Tucson Weekly
http://www.tucsonweekly.com/TheRange/archives/2014/08/22/did-arne-duncan-really-say-testing-is-sucking-the-oxygen-out-of-the-room Did Arne Duncan Really Say, "Testing Is Sucking The Oxygen Out Of The Room"?
MiSiS: 45,000 students missing from Los Angeles Unified’s new tracking system - ContraCostaTimes.com
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Education Is Not 'Moneyball': Why Teachers Can't Trust Value-Added Evaluations Yet - Education Week Teacher
The same poo-poo in new bags. | Reclaim Reform
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Romero pressing for LAUSD board hearing on parent trigger
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Creating a Culture of Ethics in LA SCHOOLS : LAUSDeasy's Ethics Lesson #3 Homework Due Tuesday 9 -2-14 BY MISSDEED
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Arne Duncan Declares Victory in War on Schools and Teachers | Alan Singer
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NYC Public School Parents: Why you need to get involved & bring your family to the People’s Climate March on Sunday, September 21st
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Supply Strong New Teachers | TNTP May Be Yet Another Affront to Our CALLING.
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Dear Friends,I just signed the petition "LAUSD: Don't Throw Good Money After Bad! Investigate/Audit Bad Ed Tech Dea...
Dear Friends,I just signed the petition "LAUSD: Don't Throw Good Money After Bad! Investigate/Audit Bad Ed Tech Deals" and wanted to ask if you could add your name too.This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:https://www.credomobilize.com/petitions/
Don’t expect charges for wasting LAUSD money on iPads: Letters
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5 Lessons drawn from the LAUSD iPad fiasco | Opinion | Jewish Journal
http://www.jewishjournal.com/opinion/article/5_lessons_drawn_from_the_lausd_ipad_fiasco 5 Lessons drawn from the LAUSD iPad fiasco iPad. File
JUST IN: Vergara ruling stands, judge rules in final review
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Here is how you roll out the iPad : iPad and iTunes U - Cedars School of Excellence
So here is how it is done ... http://cedars.inverclyde.sch.uk/ipad-and-itunes-u.htmlHomeAdmissionsPrimary SchoolMiddle SchoolSenior SchoolBlogsParentsAlumniContact UsCedars 1:1 iPad ProgrammeCedars is known as the home of the world's first whole-school 1:1 iPad programme. Because we receive many enquiries about this every week - more than we can easily handle - this page is designed to answer
L.A. cancels iPads-in-the-schools program: a failure of vision, not technology | Macworld
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Deasy planning to hire his own liaison for MiSiS project
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Teach for America hiring more non-whites: still cheating credentialed cheaters out of their jobs and violating civil rights of others with impunity
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Ex-LAUSD official denies steering contract to former employer
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8-28-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: LAUSD’S John Deasy shoots his iPad outEdNotes: below is an editorial by someone with half the story who writes like he actually did his homework. While it is true the government has imposed the common core thus gadgetry on schools, it is not exactly Sacramento that mandates the common core, although the state does have final say on using CCSS. Notably, Governor Brown butted h