Publishing giant Pearson says LA school officials emails part of pilot project

Pearson broke its weekend silence Monday and responded to emails obtained by KPCC showing LA Unified and Pearson officials discussing a software purchase ahead of a public bid for the district's massive technology program.
Pearson, the makers of an iPad learning software called "Common Core System of Courses", supported statements reportedly made by Superintendent John Deasy over the weekend claiming the email discussions were limited to a small pilot program. (Deasy has not returned repeated calls by KPCC.)
"Throughout the R&D process, Pearson works closely with subject matter experts, educators, and students from diverse communities," Pearson spokesman Brandon Pinette wrote in a statement. "During the early development of the System of Courses, six schools participated in pilot studies of the curriculum, 2 in Los Angeles, and 4 in Texas."
Pinette said a total of eight classrooms were involved in L.A. Unified's pilot: four at Mulhollland Middle School and four at Plummer Elementary.
However, May 24, Deasy, his deputy Jaime Aquino and Pearson sales representative Judy Codding discussed the sale of 25 courses - about two courses for every grade level, not just elementary and middle school.
"I cannot imagine any one else able to do this as cheaply with all the PD [professional development] and all the materials for 25 courses for the price we discussed," Codding wrote.
Aquino questioned whether the district could afford to pay 2,000 teachers for the training schedule proposed by Pearson - many more than the eight teachers that would be involved in a pilot the size Pinette said Monday they were discussing.Publishing giant Pearson says LA school officials emails part of pilot project | 89.3 KPCC: