High Stakes Testing is Toxic
Check out this article after Lily’s conversation with ethnic media in Los Angeles: At a briefing for ethnic media in Los Angeles, Lily Eskelsen García acknowledged the challenges ahead of her. “What we’re up against,” she said, “are people who use good words like reform, and accountability, and progress.” But their real meaning will be [...]
On a Mission to Galvanize Teachers and Parents
Lily Eskelsen García has a history that reads like a made-for-TV movie:
She began her education career making salads in a school cafeteria and was nudged toward college by a kindergarten teacher who liked the way the 18-year-old related to young children. She paid her college bills with folk-singing gigs, graduated magna cum laude and nine years later, in 1989, was Utah’s Teacher of the Year.

Lily Eskelsen congratulates Bridget Gonzales who sang the national anthem at a rally to encourage Latinos in Las Vegas to vote
Now Eskelsen Garcia, 59, is about to take the reins of the country’s largest labor union. She hopes her story, and her moxie, will inspire millions of teachers and parents to push back against high-stakes testing, regimented lessons and what she calls “stupid rules.”
Read the rest of this profile from the LA Times