Later school start times for teens - Doctor's orders
The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement calling on school districts to move start times to 8:30 am or later for middle and high schools, so that students can get at least 8 1/2 hours of sleep a night.Full story here.
If You Want to Transfer Your Child under NCLB, Get that Request In
I was reading the Spokane newspaper and it was stated that for Spokane's school district, the deadline to request a transfer to a new school under NCLB is August 26th. So I wrote to SPS to ask what their deadline is. Here's the answer I received: Parents have to request a transfer by the first day of school by 4 pm. They will then be sent an application with their PSC options.That PSC is "
8-24-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Fix the omissionSomething's missing and we all know what it is.It's the unfulfilled commitment I have been requesting for over ten years. It's the hole at the heart of the district's dysfunction. It is the emptiness at the root of the complaints and protests about the Garfield rape case. It is what was absent from Director Peaslee's understanding of the protests an