Too much tech? An argument for keeping schools low-tech
It almost seems verbotin to suggest that high technology doesn’t belong in the classroom. But in this post, author Annie Murphy Paul does just that. Paul is a contributing writer for Time magazine, writes a weekly column about learning for Time.com, blogs about learning for a number of websites and contributes to various publications. She […]
School district bans classroom discussion on Michael Brown, Ferguson
The superintendent of a school district in Illinois has issued a directive banning any discussion in classrooms of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teen killed Aug. 9 by a white police officer, or the civil unrest that followed in Ferguson, Mo. KMOX-TV reports that Superintendent Ed Hightower of Edwardsville District 7 Schools made the decision […]
The problem with the ‘problem with tenure’ for teachers
Attacking tenure and job protections has become the rage in school reform circles. In recent years some states have either eliminated tenure or cut back on teacher job protections by legislative means, and the courts have become a new battleground since a California judge last month declared unconstitutional state statutes that give job protections to […]
The Answer Sheet 8-25-14
Answer Sheet: A school system’s stunning standardized test schedule for 2014-15Classes for the 2014-15 year began for students in Miami-Dade County Public Schools, the fourth largest district in the country, on Monday, Aug. 18. And so did student standardized testing. Yes, it’s time not only for class but also for a new slew of standardized tests in Miami and everywhere else in the country — […]2