Four Reformy Problems in a Single Tweet
@NeeravKingsland @CtrEdEcon @smarick @amandaripley How do we measure schools' progress without annual tests?— Michael Petrilli (@MichaelPetrilli) August 24, 2014This is the kind of statement that brings me up short. It's neither notably nefarious, nor is it larded with some deliberate obfuscation, and yet it is loaded with so many assumptions.Measure schools' progressIs schools' progress really a
The Cult of Order
Many, many, many reformsters are members of the Cult of Order.The Cult of Order believes in blind, unthinking devotion to Order. Everything must be in its proper place. Everything must go according to plan. Everything must be under control.It is not new to find cult members in education. We all work with a least a couple. Desks must be just so. The surface of the teacher desk must be pristine and
8-25-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: ACT Report Finds ACT Really ImportantOkay kids. Here's today's lesson in critical thinking (which, as you may have heard, is built right into the heart and sinew of the Common Core).When a business releases a study showing the importance and effectiveness of that business's product, is there a possibility that the study might be aimed at something other than Telling the Whole Truth