Creating Safety Without Guns-An Inner City Love Story
One of the reasons I am haunted by the death of Michael Brown is that I have worked with young people in highly charged settings and have seen what they can accomplish when people who command their respect guide them, challenge them, inspire them and love them. This is a story that will help you understand where I am coming from.The year is 1994. The crack epidemic is still with us, hip hop has en
8-19-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Ferguson Protests Highlight Link Between Growing Poverty and Militarized Policing
With A Brooklyn Accent: Ferguson Protests Highlight Link Between Growing Poverty and Militarized PolicingThe problems of America's poor have been "off the grid" for some time. Politicians of both parties reserve their concern for the middle class, fearing that any reference to poverty will destroy their electoral appeal. The one mass movement against social inequality we have had, Occupy