Critical Incident Response Plan
I'm sorry to report that the Critical Incident Response Plan referenced in Dr. Nyland's letter to the community is total bunk. It is, at best, a PR plan. It is designed to respond to potential sources of bad press.It basically calls for district officials to gather information, comply with policies, procedures, regulations and laws, and to inform stakeholders. I can't believe that executives at th
Friday Open Thread
Feel like your child does not return your phone calls/texts in a timely manner? One mom was frustrated with the low/no response of her own children and created, Ignore No More. If your child doesn't answer, you have a code so that you can block incoming calls/texts and disable gaming on their cell phone. That'll get their attention.Did you get a phone call from School Messenger with a message f
8-21-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Common Core; Slip Slidin' AwayPoll results on public education including Common Core from two sources.Education Next - No Common Opinion on Common CoreFor example, the share of the public that say it favors the Common Core State Standards slipped noticeably between 2013 and 2014. Establishing a common set of standards across states is a new policy proposal that eme