Ferguson Protests Highlight Link Between Growing Poverty and Militarized Policing
The problems of America's poor have been "off the grid" for some time. Politicians of both parties reserve their concern for the middle class, fearing that any reference to poverty will destroy their electoral appeal. The one mass movement against social inequality we have had, Occupy Wall Street was predominantly white and college educated. But in a society where a majority of people ar
8-18-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: What A Difference A Year Makes: The Evolution of BATS
With A Brooklyn Accent: What A Difference A Year Makes: The Evolution of BATSBATs is not the same group as it was a year ago. It is far more urban and multiracial and has changed its focus. It is now as concerned with school closings and school privatization as it is with testing and common core and with fending off attacks on teacher tenure and due process. It is also much more explicitly concern