Vermont BOE Hammers Fed-Style Testing
With states like North Carolina and Florida doing their best to bury public education and dance on its grave, it's nice to see some states can still stand up for their schools.Earlier this week, the Vermont State Board of Education adopted a statement and resolution on assessment and accountability. It's worth a read, but let me hit the highlights for you.The Board starts by recognizing that unifo
Another Solution: ESEA
There is, of course, another way out of this.The tightly wound spring that keeps Race to the Top and waivers (RttR Lite) ticking away is the ESEA. Instead of dealing with the federal mandate-ish sort-of-regulations that have made Common Core and high stakes testing and data collection the kind-of-law of the land, we could address the underlying mess.The ESEA was first passed in 1965, and periodica
8-21-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: More Bad Polling News For CCSSWhile we're making note of how Common Core is tanking in the Education Next and PDK/Gallup polls, let's pull out one other poll from earlier in the summer. This one also us ed the word "plummets," which has become a serious contender for leading the Common Core Headline Word Bank.Conducted and released in June of 2014, the Rasmussen Reports n