Containment, Confinement and Death- The Plight of Many of Our Youth
There are so many ways we are treating our young people, especially young people of color, as suspects, threats, dangers to the social order.They are heavily policed in their schools and neighborhoods-often subject to arbitrary search and seizureThey are the targets of zero-tolerance disciplinary policies in schools which have become little more than test prep factories.They are arrested and jaile
A Bronx View of the Killing of Michael Brown
The Bronx is full of young people who take what happened to Michael Brown very personally. They go through metal detectors in schools. Get stopped and frisked in the streets. Are looked at with suspicion and contempt when they head into Manhattan. They see themselves in Michael Brown, as they did in Ramarley Graham who suffered a similar fate in the Bronx two years ago. They are in pain right now
8-9-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Love Letters to the BATS
With A Brooklyn Accent:What We Want and Need- A Friday Afternoon Message to Arne Duncan:We Need to show appreciation and respect for public school teachers and make them an integral part of every education policy making body.We need to develop strategies to attract and retain great teachers- teachers for life.We need to ramp up efforts to recruit and retain teachers of color.We need to transform s