James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

Edgewood education dean Tim Slekar: Politicians using Common Core as a distraction : Ct
Edgewood education dean Tim Slekar: Politicians using Common Core as a distraction : Ct: Edgewood education dean Tim Slekar: Politicians using Common Core as a distraction10Print EmailAugust 10, 2014 3:00 pm • By Todd D. Milewski | The Capital Times(6) CommentsTim Slekar, dean of education at Edgewood CollegeEnlarge PhotoTim Slekar, the dean of the School of Education at Edgewood College, has a
Bobby Jindal Discusses Common Core Lawsuit | Truth in American Education
Bobby Jindal Discusses Common Core Lawsuit | Truth in American Education: Bobby Jindal Discusses Common Core LawsuitFiled in Common Core State Standards, Education at State Level by Shane Vander Hart on August 11, 2014• 0 Comments2251I was at the FAMiLY Leadership Summit where Iowans were able get a sneak peak at prospective 2016 presidential candidates. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal held a pre
Lunch lady rises to teachers union leader and takes on all comers, bluntly - The Washington Post
Lunch lady rises to teachers union leader and takes on all comers, bluntly - The Washington Post: Lunch lady rises to teachers union leader and takes on all comers, bluntly On Sept. 1, Lily Eskelsen García becomes president of the National Education Association, the largest labor union in the country. She was photographed at the NEA building in Washington. (Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post)By Lyn
8-11-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: A Bronx View of the Killing of Michael Brown
With A Brooklyn Accent: A Bronx View of the Killing of Michael BrownThe Bronx is full of young people who take what happened to Michael Brown very personally. They go through metal detectors in schools. Get stopped and frisked in the streets. Are looked at with suspicion and contempt when they head into Manhattan. They see themselves in Michael Brown, as they did in Ramarley Graham who suffered a
8-11-14 The Whole Child Blog — Learning and Health are Symbiotic (and Global)
The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education: Learning and Health are Symbiotic (and Global)This week Education International—the world's largest federation of unions, representing 30 million education employees in 170 countries and territories—signed onto the Global School Health Statement developed by ASCD and the International School Health Network. The Global School Health Statement was develo
Voter Guide: 5 Differences Between LAUSD Candidates Alex Johnson and George McKenna | The Informer | Los Angeles | Los Angeles News and Events | LA Weekly
Voter Guide: 5 Differences Between LAUSD Candidates Alex Johnson and George McKenna | The Informer | Los Angeles | Los Angeles News and Events | LA Weekly: Voter Guide: 5 Differences Between LAUSD Candidates Alex Johnson and George McKennaComments (2)By Hillel Aron Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 6:27 AMCategories: Education, ElectionMcKenna, left, Johnson, rightLittle known fact: there's an election tomorro
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 8-11-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: George McKenna for LAUSD School Board District 1Home | George McKenna for LAUSD School Board District 1: LA County Democratic Party Endorses George McKenna For LAUSD District 1JULY 09, 2014The campaign of retired superintendent and decorated educator George McKenna for the vacant LAUSD District 1 school board seat got a huge boost Tuesday night with the
empathyeducates – What Are We Doing To Our Children? #IfTheyGunnedMeDown #MichaelBrown
empathyeducates – What Are We Doing To Our Children? #IfTheyGunnedMeDown #MichaelBrown: What Are We Doing To Our Children? #IfTheyGunnedMeDown #MichaelBrownWhat are we doing to our children? Why might it be that white teens are free to plan for proms, High School graduation, the anticipation that comes when you go off to college, while our Black babies ponder, “If the cops gun me down, which image
George McKenna for LAUSD School Board District 1
Home | George McKenna for LAUSD School Board District 1: LA County Democratic Party Endorses George McKenna For LAUSD District 1JULY 09, 2014The campaign of retired superintendent and decorated educator George McKenna for the vacant LAUSD District 1 school board seat got a huge boost Tuesday night with the endorsement of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party.“I am proud to be the only candidate
8-11-14 This Week in LA - School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Morning Read: 5 ways McKenna and Johnson stand apartMorning Read: 5 ways McKenna and Johnson stand apart 5 differences between Alex Johnson and George McKenna Little known fact: there’s an election tomorrow! A very special election! A special election, that is, for the District 1 L.A. Unified Board of Edu
Common Core, the Common Good and Why Close Readings are Just ‘Not Enough’ for Critical Thinking | Missouri Education Watchdog
Common Core, the Common Good and Why Close Readings are Just ‘Not Enough’ for Critical Thinking | Missouri Education Watchdog: Common Core, the Common Good and Why Close Readings are Just ‘Not Enough’ for Critical ThinkinginShareExpand your close reading of this phrase. Ask the question: What/who ‘is’ the ‘common good’? The answer might surprise you.Did you ever think your governors and state bure
William Sanders Interview on His TVAAS (aka EVAAS) Model |
William Sanders Interview on His TVAAS (aka EVAAS) Model |: William Sanders Interview on His TVAAS (aka EVAAS) Model Following up on my most recent post, about whether “EVAAS’s William Sanders is really a “Leading Academician,” a loyal follower sent me this story, as transcribed via an interview on Nashville Public Radio (also available on this link) about “The Man All Tennessee [and likely other]
Most Georgia school systems might soon take charter route | Online Athens
Most Georgia school systems might soon take charter route | Online Athens: Most Georgia school systems might soon take charter routeBy LEE SHEARERupdated Sunday, August 10, 2014 - 10:29pmClarke County now has just one charter school, but in a year, every public school in the county could be a charter school — along with hundreds more across the state.State law sets a July 1, 2015 deadline for the
Morning Wink 8-11-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSA School is Not a Pet. And Yet . . .A School is Not a Pet. And Yet . . .: A School is Not a Pet. And Yet . . .MONDAY, AUGUST 11TH, 2014 AT 10:34 AMThis weekend’s story in the New York Times about former NFL star Deion Sanders’ struggling charter school lays bare much of what’s wrong with the way Americans think about public education in general, and charte
A School is Not a Pet. And Yet . . .
A School is Not a Pet. And Yet . . .: A School is Not a Pet. And Yet . . .MONDAY, AUGUST 11TH, 2014 AT 10:34 AMThis weekend’s story in the New York Times about former NFL star Deion Sanders’ struggling charter school lays bare much of what’s wrong with the way Americans think about public education in general, and charter schools in particular.The story begins with Sanders being approached with a
Is a Hard Life Inherited? - NYTimes.com
Is a Hard Life Inherited? - NYTimes.com: Is a Hard Life Inherited?YAMHILL, Ore. — ONE delusion common among America’s successful people is that they triumphed just because of hard work and intelligence.In fact, their big break came when they were conceived in middle-class American families who loved them, read them stories, and nurtured them with Little League sports, library cards and music lesso
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-11-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Mercedes Schneider: Who Is Campbell Brown?Mercedes Schneider checks out the origins and development of Campbell Brown, who is now threatening to take Michelle Rhee’s place as the leader of the anti-union, anti-teacher campaign. Mercedes hails from Louisiana, and so did Campbell. Campbell came from a very poor town called Ferriday.
8-11-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Common Core: Gary Stern on Manipulating Test Outcomes Through Cut ScoresMaria Baldassarre Hopkins hit the nail on the head: "There are ways to make the numbers do what you want them to do." There was nothing democratic about the way the Common Core was written and forced on the schools. This story will get uglier and uglier as corporate politicos use their manipulated me
How to Read Education Data Without Jumping to Conclusions (Jessica Lahey & Tim Lahey) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
How to Read Education Data Without Jumping to Conclusions (Jessica Lahey & Tim Lahey) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: How to Read Education Data Without Jumping to Conclusions (Jessica Lahey & Tim Lahey)In an earlier post, I offered fundamental questions that parents, teachers, administrators, researchers, and policymakers could (and yes, should) ask of any policies
8-11-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Post your #selfieforkaren everywhere. Send ‘em here and I’ll post it.“We are Michael Brown.”. Ferguson, Missouri is in suburban St. Louis. Last June Desiree Harris, who lives in Ferguson, watched her grandson Michael Brown, an African-American young man, graduate from high school. On Saturday night sh
8-11-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: How Many Of Our Students Feel This Way?The full story has yet to come out about what happened on Friday night in Ferguson, but the larger narrative of the challenges facing so many of our African-American youth could not be more clear. MLK: "…a riot is the language of the unheard…Social justice and progress are the abs
8-11-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Charter School Education in the U. S.: It's All About the Real EstateWhen ignorant or purchased Ohio politicians jumped on the charter school bandwagon almost 20 years ago to "provide more choices for poor families" and to "cut bureaucratic oversight to allow educational innovation," they opened the floodgates for corruption, larceny, and educational fraud promo
8-11-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education: Charter Schools’ USA Hillsborough Facililities Will Not Be Shuttered This Year…ButFrom Marlene Sokol in the Tampa Bay Times: TAMPA — Responding to concerned parents who learned last week that the Hillsborough County school district is challenging the legality of three ch
8-11-14 Wait What? - Jonathan Pelto: Gubernatorial Candidate and A Really Nice Guy
Wait What?: Wait What? Pelto/Murphy 2014 Malloy’s PR operation for the Free Park Admission WeekendFile this one under – “How The Connecticut Budget Process Really Works.” A couple of weeks ago, with Election Day in sight, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy kicked off a public relations campaign to promote the State’s Free Park Admission Weekend. Malloy told the media, “To encourage everyone to visit a
8-11-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: ‘I love when kids are smarter than tests (which is most of the time)’I love when kids are smarter than tests (which is most of the time). pic.twitter.com/ayJGquJy1D — Jesse Stommel (@Jessifer) August 10, 201419 by Valerie Strauss / 5h hide // saveWhy race-based affirmative action in college admissions still mattersLast month I published a defense of race-based affirmative action fo
8-11-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Charters - The Gift that Keeps on GivingThere's almost something humorous about charter stories today. They come faster and faster; stars who start charters that fail, financial scandals, and promises made and then broken.What's the funny part? Well, the supporters of 1240 said "we have a lot to learn from charters." I would agree and in more ways than
8-11-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: About the radio showJoin Drs. Shaun Johnson and Tim Slekar LIVE Sundays at 6PM EST and Wednesdays at 7PM EST on Blog Talk Radio for progressive, pro-public education talk radio. Call in to speak live with Tim and Shaun during the show, (805) 727-7111. You can also listen to our Monday "Sunday-Replay" at 7PM EST, and re-broadcasts of the archives every Tuesday and Thursd
8-11-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Blacked Out: “you must consider what happens to a life which finds no mirror”First the air is blue and then it is bluer and then green and then black I am blacking out “Diving into the Wreck,” Adrienne Rich Recently, I have been trying to navigate my own journey toward c
8-11-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: In Case You MISSED it WalMart Spent $20 million to send 700 TFA interns to replace actual teachersNew post on CBS Los Angelesby Rene Diedrich / 7h Fwd: “A Farewell to Arms” – Take a deep breath. Get ready to face school closure, displacement , kill sites and lots of broken promises,"A Farewell to Arms" – Take a deep breath. Posted on May 30, 2011 by savehphs Things
8-11-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Cuomo's Legal Troubles - It's What We Don't Know That Matters MostTwo pieces out on Cuomo's legal jeopardy today, one by Jeff Smith at Politico and the other by Blake Zeff at Capital NY, both of which report Cuomo is in some trouble over the Moreland mess. Jeff Smith at Politico says Andrew Cuomo's got serious problems because now that he's given them the open, prosecutors c
Manipulating test score release: “First, you’ve got to get mad!” | Bob Braun's Ledger
Manipulating test score release: “First, you’ve got to get mad!” | Bob Braun's Ledger: Manipulating test score release: “First, you’ve got to get mad!”Had enough?Why is it important to write about Cami Anderson’s decision to manipulate the release of the latest results of state test scores? Here is why:Imagine your life, your livelihood, is based on a set of numbers over which you have no or, at b
The Vermont “No Child Left Behind” Letter that Tells the Truth | janresseger
The Vermont “No Child Left Behind” Letter that Tells the Truth | janresseger: The Vermont “No Child Left Behind” Letter that Tells the TruthPosted on August 11, 2014 by janressegerThe federal testing law, No Child Left Behind (NCLB), requires that states inform parents when—by the standardized tests required by NCLB—their child’s school has been identified as a “failing” school. The problem is th
YOUR VOTE MATTERS ON TUESDAY: Just Say No To Carpetbagging In LAUSD1 – redqueeninla
YOUR VOTE MATTERS ON TUESDAY: Just Say No To Carpetbagging In LAUSD1 – redqueeninla: YOUR VOTE MATTERS ON TUESDAY: Just Say No To Carpetbagging In LAUSD1Written by redqueeninla in EducationWe’ve endured another nail-biter of a weekend suffused with an oxymoronic army of paid “volunteers” deployed to Get Out their paymaster’s Vote and in the process consume mountains of cash toward the mortificatio
Putting the PR in Student Power | EduShyster
Putting the PR in Student Power | EduShyster:Putting the PR in Student Power A student group with some unusual connections *schools* reporter Sarah Lahm.By Sarah Lahm,EduShyster AcademyI don’t know about you, but when I was in college (#darkages), being part of a *student-led* group meant sitting around in someone’s dank dorm room, plotting how to get to the nearest town to buy beer. Oh, and one t
NYC Educator: Mulgrew's Paws (to the tune of Santa Claus Is Coming to Town)
NYC Educator: Mulgrew's Paws (to the tune of Santa Claus Is Coming to Town): Mulgrew's Paws (to the tune of Santa Claus Is Coming to Town)You'd better sell outYou'd better not think,You better watch out,Which Kool Aid you drink,Mulgrew's Paws are punching your face.He's making a list,He's checking it twice;He's gonna find out who's loyal or nice.Mulgrew's Paws are punching your face.He sees you wh
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLESNEA Pres.-Elect Lily Eskelsen GarcíaAs educators, we believe in good testing. Almost every student in America will confirm that most teachers are neither strangers to, nor enemies of, tests. But great teachers know the difference between tests that help students and tests that harm students. -- AJCPresident ObamaThe United States i
Alex Johnson, who ducked my interview and at least six candidate forums, asks why Dr. McKenna won’t respond to the Deasy School Report?
Alex Johnson, who ducked my interview and at least six candidate forums, asks why Dr. McKenna won’t respond to the Deasy School Report?: Alex Johnson, who ducked my interview and at least six candidate forums, asks why Dr. McKenna won’t respond to the Deasy School Report?AUGUST 11, 2014 BY ROBERT D. SKEELS * RDSATHENE LEAVE A COMMENTHe has dodged multiple requests for policy positions, undoubtably
NEA president-elect: Teachers are neither strangers to, nor... | Get Schooled | www.ajc.com
NEA president-elect: Teachers are neither strangers to, nor... | Get Schooled | www.ajc.com: NEA president-elect: Teachers are neither strangers to, nor enemies of, tests. COMMENT(13) 1 22 4 30RelatedView Larger NEA president-elect Lily Eskelsen GarcíaPrevious PostsProblem isn't bad teachers or pantless ones. It's the just-OK teachers. August 7, 2014College graduation rates: More to do with stude
Why is Cami blocking access to test scores? | Bob Braun's Ledger
Why is Cami blocking access to test scores? | Bob Braun's Ledger: Why is Cami blocking access to test scores?Christie and AndersonResults of this year’s administration of the state NJ Assessment of Schools and Knowledge (ASK) tests have been delivered to the central Newark administration–but Cami Anderson, the state-appointed schools superintendent, has blocked school principals and other building
My Interview and Discussion With Shaun Johnson.southbronxschool
http://www.southbronxschool.com: My Interview and Discussion With Shaun JohnsonMy first real encounter with Shaun Johnson, aka The Chalk Face, came about 2 1/2 years ago in one of those classic Twitter mash-ups.I started getting into it with the commandant, Kyle Olson, of the über Right Wing, paranoid, and meshuga, education "advocacy" news aggregator, Education Action Group News. EAG Ne
Nite Cap 8-10-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 8-10-144LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: CLASS CUTBACKS AT WALTER REED MIDDLE SCHOOL RILE PARENTS + smf’s 2¢By Thomas Himes, Los Angeles Daily News | http://bit.ly/1pJXFpv Walter Reed Middle