Charter School Education in the U. S.: It's All About the Real Estate
When ignorant or purchased Ohio politicians jumped on the charter school bandwagon almost 20 years ago to "provide more choices for poor families" and to "cut bureaucratic oversight to allow educational innovation," they opened the floodgates for corruption, larceny, and educational fraud promoted under the guise of helping poor kids. As a result, charter kingpin, David Brennan
8-10-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: We Are Out of Options: It's Capitalism or Usby Jim Horn / 14min 8-9-14 Schools Matter All WeekSchools Matter: Schools Matter All WeekIndy Corporate School Complex Gearing Up for IPS School Board Buyoutby Doug MartinEven though the filing deadline is not until the end of the month, the Indy Chamber has already handpicked candidates to elect to the IPS school board to completely tur