All My Ed Week Posts From The Past 3 Years On Using Tech In The Classroom – In One Place!
My latest piece at Education Week Teacher brings all my posts there from the past three years related to ed tech. Here’s an excerpt from one of them: I’m adding it to The Best Advice On Using Education Technology.
Video: Robin Williams As An ESL Teacher — “We Like Your Lessons Better Than The Book”
© 2011 Global Panorama, Flickr | CC-BY-SA | via Wylio Robin Williams, R.I.P. Here he is as an ESL/EFL teacher in “Good Morning, Vietnam”:
“Correlation ≠ causation”
I’m adding this tweet to The Best Online Resources For Teaching The Difference Between Correlation & Causation: Correlation ≠ causation. pic.twitter.com/3onu7gqUcx — Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) August 11, 2014 Here’s what the plaque says: THE RAINMAKERS OF 1891 Working on the theory that explosives could cause rainfall because many war battles had been followed by rain, the U.S. Department
Video: I Don’t Hear Students Thanking This Retiring Teacher For Helping Them Score Well On Standardized Tests
Check out this Kid President video: Thanks to Amy Erin Borovoy for the tip.
Infographic: “The Benefits Of A Bilingual Education”
I’m adding this infographic to The Best Resources For Learning The Advantages To Being Bilingual Or Multilingual: Compiled by: Yew Chung International School Beijing
“Google Open Gallery” Looks Like A Neat Place To Display A Class Project
Google Open Gallery was unveiled quite a few months ago, but I just received an invitation today and think it looks pretty neat. It’s designed to let artists and others display cultural artifacts in an easy and visually appealing way. I think it could be useful for my students to use as part of their annual project teaching about their home cultures (you can read, and see, a lot more about that
How Many Of Our Students Feel This Way?
The full story has yet to come out about what happened on Friday night in Ferguson, but the larger narrative of the challenges facing so many of our African-American youth could not be more clear. MLK: "…a riot is the language of the unheard…Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention." #Ferguson — Ben Spielberg (@BenSpielberg) August 11, 2014 MLK: "
August’s Infographics & Interactives Galore – Part Two
There are just so many good infographics and interactives out there that I’ve begun a new semi-regular feature called “Infographics & Interactives Galore.” You can see others at A Collection Of “The Best…” Lists On Infographics and by searching “infographics” on this blog. I’ll still be publishing separate posts to individually highlight especially useful infographics and interactives, but you
Nice Listing Of Educational Videos Available For Streaming Through Netflix & Amazon
© 2011 SFT HQ, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio The Fordham Institute has completed a useful listing of history, science and literature educational videos available for streaming on Netflix and Amazon. It’s organized by topic and is pretty comprehensive. Some of the films they included are a bit bizarre (“Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving” in the unit on Native American Cultures? Really?), but most of them s
Videos Of The Week
In yet another effort to get at my backlog of resources to share, I recently began this feature to share useful videos. I’ll still periodically highlight certain ones on their own, but the rest will be found on this regular post: Reader Cindy Conser suggested this nice video collection from Shmoop would be a good addition to The Best Funny Videos To Help Teach Grammar. Here’s one example: You ma
8-10-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Manuscript For My Third Book On Student Motivation Is Done!© 2009 studio tdes, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio Though I still have to give it one last “run-through,” the manuscript for the third book in my student motivation “trilogy” is now complete and ready to submit to the publisher, Routledge. It’s titled: Building a Commun