4-13-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: The growing list of reasons to vote against Dannel “Dan” Malloy’s re-electionThe growing list of reasons to vote against Dannel “Dan” Malloy’s re-election Malloy’s “education reform” legislation has earned him the title of the most anti-teacher, anti-public education, pro-charter school Democratic governor in the nation. Malloy’s decision to hand Connecticut’s public education system
Only a Test Question | EduShyster
Only a Test Question | EduShyster: Only a Test Question A teacher wreaks havoc upon her students’ college-and-career readiness by denying them the test prep they’ve come to expect…By Sarah LahmIn a shocking display of misplaced priorities and poor judgment, a teacher in [INSERT NAME OF CITY OR TOWN HERE] made an irreparable error this week. Instead of *teaching to the test,* as she had been subtly
American Statistical Association (ASA) Position Statement on VAMs |
American Statistical Association (ASA) Position Statement on VAMs |: American Statistical Association (ASA) Position Statement on VAMs Inside my most recent post, about the Top 14 research-based articles about VAMs, there was a great research-based statement that was released just last week by the American Statistical Association (ASA), titled the “ASA Statement on Using Value-Added Models for Edu
4-13-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Times editorial on Initiative 1351The Seattle Times wrote an editorial to discourage people from signing petitions to put Initiative 1351, Class Size Reduction, on the ballot. The editorial was, of course, full of lies, misrepresentations, and unprincipled statements.I don't know where other people stand on initiatives. Lots of states don't have an initiati
Peg with Pen: UOO to CEA: How Can We Help?
Peg with Pen: UOO to CEA: How Can We Help?: UOO to CEA: How Can We Help?The CEA Delegate Assembly just ended here in Denver. I was a delegate this year. My first time. I met a lot of amazing folks and learned a lot. We attempted to get an NBI passed that stated:OPT OUT: CEA will work with various parent groups and CDE in clarifying the rights of parents to opt out their children from taking standa
4-13-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Sunday reads.On April 12, 1983 Chicago elected Harold Washington as mayor. Charter schools are an investment opportunity. Corporate school reformers lover choice, right? Not really. DFER’s summer camp for corporate school reformers. Chicagoland. Whites only. Fox discusses race and politics. You have m
Marcos Breton: Sacramento’s teachers have won this battle - Marcos Breton - The Sacramento Bee
Marcos Breton: Sacramento’s teachers have won this battle - Marcos Breton - The Sacramento Bee: Marcos Breton: Sacramento’s teachers have won this battleBy Marcos Bretonmbreton@sacbee.comPublished: Sunday, Apr. 13, 2014 - 12:00 amYou might have missed it, but there was a sea change within the Sacramento City Unified School District last week.Some call it a complete surrender by the district to the
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 4-13-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Billionaires Rule! How Governor Cuomo and Hedge Fund Managers Protected Charter SchoolsI am late posting this article because it appeared about the time I started dealing with health issues (a bad fall that took out the ACL in my left knee). It deserves wide reading because it is an accurate portrait of the money and power behind t
4-13-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: LA Teacher Gains Public Support for Standing Up to Student DisruptorGroundswell of support for teacher who wrestled disruptive student to the floor shows the public is fed up with the disciplinary problems and bureaucracies that impede education....When the cellphone video made the evening news, the student's family was offered support by the district's superintendent — who public
4-13-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Assessing the Model: A KIPP Teacher Speaks of Her Nervous Breakdown and Post-KIPP Recovery, Part 3"I would say that working at KIPP was the most horrible experience of my life. I would tell people that, I would tell a friend especially that the message is good with KIPP, that you want to send all kids to and through college. But it is at such great personal sacrifice that it’s
4-13-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education: Rick Scott’s 2012 FCAT Rankings Show Poverty MattersOcala Star-Banner editor Brad Rogers remind his readers of Rick Scott’s ill-fated 2012 release of FCAT rankings by district, and he’s not attempted that stunt since. Scathing Purple Musings speculated that the decision
4-13-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Devaluing Teachers in the Age of Value-AddedDevaluing Teachers in the Age of Value-Added. via Devaluing Teachers in the Age of Value-Added.1 by plthomasedd / 57min All Week 4-12-14 @ THE CHALK FACE@ THE CHALK FACE : All Week @ THE CHALK FACE Georgia Moms Stand Firm Against TestingGuest post by Meg Norris It was my fourth or fifth speech about Common Core and why I had left my te
4-13-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Devaluing Teachers in the Age of Value-Added“We teach the children of the middle class, the wealthy and the poor,” explains Anthony Cody, continuing: We teach the damaged and disabled, the whole and the gifted. We teach the immigrants and the dispossessed natives, the tr
4-13-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Former Moreland Commissions Erupt In Fury Over Cuomo's Interference In Panel WorkI don't know how deeply US Attorney for the Southern District Preet Bharara intends to probe Cuomo and his aides over their interference into the Moreland Commission work, but from accounts of former Moreland Commissioners given to Ken Lovett in the Daily News, it seems there's a lot there: ALBA
empathyeducates – Raising a Moral Child
empathyeducates – Raising a Moral Child: Raising a Moral ChildBy Adam Grant | Originally Published at The New York Times. April 11, 2014What does it take to be a good parent? We know some of the tricks for teaching kids to become high achievers. For example, research suggests that when parents praise effort rather than ability, children develop a stronger work ethic and become more motivated.Yet a
All the Children are Above Average | Connected Principals
All the Children are Above Average | Connected Principals: All the Children are Above Averageby John Marschhausen • April 13, 2014 • 0 Comments“Where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.”Those are the closing words Garrison Keillor spoke each night on his radio show A Prairie Home Companion. He was summarizing the fictional hometown Lake W
Parents Outraged Over Gov. Cuomo’s Meddling to Secure Privileges for Charters at Expense of Public Schools « NYC Coalition for Educational Justice
Parents Outraged Over Gov. Cuomo’s Meddling to Secure Privileges for Charters at Expense of Public Schools « NYC Coalition for Educational Justice: Parents Outraged Over Gov. Cuomo’s Meddling to Secure Privileges for Charters at Expense of Public Schools** Statement by the NYC Coalition for Educational Justice, City’s Largest Parent-led Organization ** (NY, NY)- Following today’s New York Times ar
A Response to Michael Petrilli’s and Michael Brickman’s Op Ed in the STL Post Dispatch. What Do They REALLY Know About Missouri Education? | Missouri Education Watchdog
A Response to Michael Petrilli’s and Michael Brickman’s Op Ed in the STL Post Dispatch. What Do They REALLY Know About Missouri Education? | Missouri Education Watchdog: A Response to Michael Petrilli’s and Michael Brickman’s Op Ed in the STL Post Dispatch. What Do They REALLY Know About Missouri Education?inShareThis is a follow-up post to Commissioner Nicastro’s acceptance speech in July 2009 in
NYC Educator: Arwen Invites a Conversation About Union Democracy
NYC Educator: Arwen Invites a Conversation About Union Democracy: Arwen Invites a Conversation About Union Democracy--> by special guest blogger Arwen E.I received an e-mail from the UFT's Janella Hinds and Sterling Roberson the other day. It began:"Dear Arwen,Educator-driven unionism!"It mentioned current contract negotiations next. (We've waited for this awhile, but I understand fu
Mother Crusader: Failed Los Angeles 'Education Entrepreneur' Tries To Make A New Start In New Jersey
Mother Crusader: Failed Los Angeles 'Education Entrepreneur' Tries To Make A New Start In New Jersey: Failed Los Angeles 'Education Entrepreneur' Tries To Make A New Start In New JerseyThe latest round of charter applications have been announced, and as NJ Spotlight's John Mooney points out, New Jersey charters have become entirely an urban affair, with an ever increasing number of state and natio
Why Is Public Television Against Public Schools?
PBS Against Public Schools: Why Is Public Television Against Public Schools?By Peter Dreier Alison Garfinkel: Kindergarten Drama Teacher & Middle SchoolEnglish and History Teacher at McKinley SchoolYou’d think that public television would support public education, but you’d be wrong. The Public Broadcasting System (PBS) has gotten in bed with the billionaires and conservatives who want to priv
Nite Cap 4-12-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPBooks on Democracy and Education | Deborah Meier on EducationBooks on Democracy and Education | Deborah Meier on Education: Books on Democracy and EducationPosted on April 12, 2014 by debmeierDear friends and readers,I’m in the process of putting
Books on Democracy and Education | Deborah Meier on Education
Books on Democracy and Education | Deborah Meier on Education: Books on Democracy and EducationPosted on April 12, 2014 by debmeierDear friends and readers,I’m in the process of putting together a collection of my writings on democracy with my friend, editor and co-thinker, Andy Hrycyna. I’m also in the process of straightening up my house—e.g. getting rid of books I’ll never reread (or read), etc
Exiting the Common Core Memorandum of Understanding | deutsch29
Exiting the Common Core Memorandum of Understanding | deutsch29: Exiting the Common Core Memorandum of UnderstandingApril 12, 2014In October 2013, I wrote a post examining the details of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) memorandum of understanding (MOU), the agreement that state governors and state education superintendents signed with the US Department of Education (USDOE) in which “states”
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » How Does PISA Put the World at Risk (Part 5): Racing to the Past
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » How Does PISA Put the World at Risk (Part 5): Racing to the Past: How Does PISA Put the World at Risk (Part 5): Racing to the Past12 APRIL 2014 195 NO COMMENTHow Does PISA Put the World at Risk: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Part 5If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would suggest that PISA is a secrete plan of Western powers to derail China’s educ
HOLTON: Islamic Radicals Mount Influence Operation On Louisiana Leges
HOLTON: Islamic Radicals Mount Influence Operation On Louisiana Leges: HOLTON: Islamic Radicals Mount Influence Operation On Louisiana LegesPosted by: Christopher Holton on Friday, April 11, 2014, 10:20Tagged with: Atlas Foundation Charter Schools Fethullah Gulen Islam State Legislature“You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach a
I am middle class, my kids test well, and I opt out | Twin Cities Daily Planet
I am middle class, my kids test well, and I opt out | Twin Cities Daily Planet: I am middle class, my kids test well, and I opt outBy Sarah Lahm, Eyes on EducationApril 11, 2014I am a middle class parent, my kids test well, and I opt out.A few days ago, I published a blog post called “I am pro-child, and I opt out.” It detailed some of the reasons why I believe opting out of high stakes standardiz
2nd Banana 4-12-14 Recap of Last Week's Best Post #EDchat #EDreform #RealEdTalk #p2
BIG EDUCATION APE 2ND BANANARECAP OF LAST WEEK'S BEST POSTSomething In Me Snapped Today: No More ‘Education Reform’ CityWatchCityWatch: Something In Me Snapped Today: No More ‘Education Reform’ Written by Julie Vassilatos 08 Apr 2014Font SizeEDUCATION POLITICS-Something in me snapped today and I realized that I am finished using the phrase "education reform." That's how folks refer to th
Surprise Email Today from My Pre-K Teacher | Cloaking Inequity
Surprise Email Today from My Pre-K Teacher | Cloaking Inequity: Surprise Email Today from My Pre-K TeacherThere was a big surprise in my email inbox today…I have discussed Pre-K previously on Cloaking Inequity. Pre-K, a Gold Standard: “You certainly don’t get what you don’t pay for” was one of my early post back in 2012. I gave kudos to the San Antonio community for voting to spend tens of million
Teachers: A Call to Battle for Reluctant Warriors - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
Teachers: A Call to Battle for Reluctant Warriors - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Teachers: A Call to Battle for Reluctant WarriorsBy Anthony Cody on April 12, 2014 12:07 PMWe just wanted to teach.When I was drawn to teach in Oakland, I saw a chance to give students the chance to do hands-on experiments, to answer their own questions, and explore the natural world. On field trips to
Morning Wink 4-12-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTS4-12-14 Jersey Jazzman Jammin' All WeekJersey Jazzman:Jersey Jazzman Jammin' All WeekWhy Is Michelle Rhee Wrong About Everything?Michelle Rhee is consistently wrong about everything.She was wrong about teaching to the test. She was wrong about her grading of state education policies. She was wrong about truancy. She was wrong about student surveys and VAM.