Assessing the Model: A KIPP Teacher Speaks of Her Nervous Breakdown and Post-KIPP Recovery, Part 3
"I would say that working at KIPP was the most horrible experience of my life. I would tell people that, I would tell a friend especially that the message is good with KIPP, that you want to send all kids to and through college. But it is at such great personal sacrifice that it’s—it crushed me. I would encourage anyone else to just stop. It wasn’t even getting fired that was the worst thing
4-12-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: Schools Matter All WeekDirt Update: Doug Martin on Workers' Voice Show Today at 5 PM ESTby Doug MartinI want everyone to know I am now working on several new dirt-pieces to expose more politicians and corporate school reformers and will post them in the very near future. Since the release of my book Hoosier School Heist on March 21, I have been very busy travelling throughout Ind