April’s Best Tweets — Part One
Every month I make a few short lists highlighting my choices of the best resources I through (and learned from) Twitter, but didn’t necessarily include them in posts here on my blog. I’ve already shared in earlier posts several new resources I found on Twitter — and where I gave credit to those from whom I learned about them. Those are not included again in post. If you don’t use Twitter, you can
Wow! The NY Times’ “Time Machine” Is One Wild “This Day In History” Site
The New York Times has unveiled a “Time Machine” feature that lets you read online what appears to be most (or, at least, many) pages of every edition they’ve published. Plus, you can print out PDF’s of the articles — at least, for the ones on the front page. Unfortunately, it says you have to be a home or digital subscriber to The Times in order to access the feature. I wonder if they might ever
One Of The Worst Tweets I Read This Week Came From The Gates Foundation
It’s been a rather long week — I always know I teach at a 100% free breakfast and lunch comprehensive high schools, but there are some weeks I really know it. This was one of those latter weeks, with many challenges facing our students coming to the forefront. One pleasant thought I had though, after our staff meeting was this one: At least this year, most of our students here in California don’t
Here Is The Simple Outline I’m Having My TOK Students Use For Their Oral Presentation
I’ve previously posted about my questions and ideas related to the new changes in the required International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge Presentation (see “The Times They Are a-Changin’”…For IB Theory Of Knowledge Oral Presentations), and invited other teachers to weigh-in, too. In that post, I shared a downloadable version of the new TOK Presentation Planning Document, as well as links to
The Vergara Lawsuit Fixes Nothing & Can Make Things Worse
A decision on the Vergara v. California should be announced in the next few months (see The Best Resources On California Court Case Attacking Teacher’s Rights). Josh Eidelson interviews Linda Darling-Hammond about the case in Salon. Here’s an excerpt:
Free Resources From All My Books
I have many free resources, including excerpts and student hand-outs, available from all my books. Clicking on the covers will lead you to them (and look for two new books being published over the next eighteen months — one will be the third volume in my student motivation “trilogy” , and the other will a new book on teaching English Language Learners):
Resources On The Genocide In Rwanda
This weekend is the twentieth anniversary of the beginning of the genocide that took place in Rwanda. You might be interested in the following “Best” lists: The Best Sites To Learn About Genocide In Rwanda The Best Web Resources On Darfur The Best Sites For Learning About The Holocaust The Best Resources For Learning About Genocide
4-2-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Bus Boycott “Choose Your Own Adventure” GameThe National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis is reopening this weekend after a $28 million renovation (see the NY Times article, From Slave Ship Shackles to the Mountaintop). That’s great news for people who live nearby or who can travel there for a visit. Unfortunately, it doesn’t