inBloom Officially Folds, Blaming Everybody But Itself & Its Funders For Failure
I’ve chronicled the ongoing fiasco of the Gates Foundation-founded-and-financed inBloom student data-vacuuming service called inBloom (see The Best Posts On The inBloom Data Fiasco). As usual, these guys never bothered asking parents and teachers what they thought before they initiated their bright idea and, now that today they announced its dissolution, they’re blaming everybody but themselves a
4-21-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement": Good Letter To NY Times Editor On “Broken Compass” Parent InvolvementThe New York Times published three letters to the editor today on the infamous “Broken Compass” parent involvement op-ed and book. The first one is good and the second one, by parenting researcher and professor Wendy Grolnick, is excellent. I’m adding this