No Country for Young Children of Color
While I have argued that we basically do not like children in the U.S., there is considerable evidence that being born a child of color puts those children at a disadvantage relative to white children. Based on the Kids Count report, Race for Results, Smriti Sinha has declared: Black families pondering a move to the Midwest might want to read this, especially if they have young children. According
Is There an Alternative to Accountability-Based, Corporate Education Reform? | Alternet
Is There an Alternative to Accountability-Based, Corporate Education Reform? | Alternet
REVIEW: Jimmy’s Blues and Other Poems, James Baldwin
For many, James Baldwin is associated with novels, fiction. But my greatest affinity for Baldwin lies with his nonfiction and his role as a public intellectual. In the volume I co-edited, James Baldwin: Challenging Authors, chapter authors examine Baldwin as a powerful voice across genre and form. Concurrent with that volume is the publication of Jimmy’s Blues and Other Poems. Baldwin is rarely ex
4-21-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University)
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Legalizing Marijuana Offers Lesson for Changing Course in Education ReformThe role of causality in educational research needs to be questioned on the basis that education is not the same as medicine. As Biesta says: “Being a student is not an illness, just as teaching is