The Week That Was – Oklahoma School Reform Comes Crashing Down
Six days into the week that may mark the end of test-driven school “reform” in Oklahoma, our state may foreshadow the way that corporate reform collapses nationally. As the parent/volunteer leader of Central Parent Legislative Action Committee, Meredith Exline says, “the trend in Oklahoma is not isolated. ‘I really feel like any story I read […]
REVIEW: Jimmy’s Blues and Other Poems, James Baldwin
REVIEW: Jimmy’s Blues and Other Poems, James Baldwin. via REVIEW: Jimmy’s Blues and Other Poems, James Baldwin.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Vergara v. California Part One: Thoughts on Hannah Arendt, a New Totalitarianism and Completing The Circle of Domination
Originally posted on Raginghorseblog:The Vergara Nine surrounded by handlers. It is a peculiar, dark and unhinged world in which we dwell and it seems to grow more so all the time. Consider the extraordinary case of Vergara v. California, now winding down and awaiting a judgment. Here we have nine students, bankrolled by Silicon…
4-21-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Legalizing Marijuana Offers Lesson for Changing Course in Education ReformLegalizing Marijuana Offers Lesson for Changing Course in Education Reform. via Legalizing Marijuana Offers Lesson for Changing Course in Education Reform.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical1 by plthomasedd / 30min hide // saveYESTERDAYCommon Core Prescription Will Not Heal EducationDuring my prese