6 Insulting Things NYSED Keeps Repeating/ Growing the Resistance
NYState, John King, Merryl Tisch and their band of merry deformers are taking a beating in the blogging world while the simpering mainstream press remains -- well, simpering. As does the UFT.
Here are some of our local guys taking a few shots:
Below this great piece by Kris Nielsen @TheChalkFace are some comments from NYC activist parent Lisa Donlan.
Here are some of our local guys taking a few shots:
NYC Educator: Authentic Assessments
RBE: John King Takes His "Tour Of Fear" To Suburban DistrictsBelow this great piece by Kris Nielsen @TheChalkFace are some comments from NYC activist parent Lisa Donlan.
6 Insulting Things NYSED Keeps Repeating
Every time the media reports a story about brave and caring parents who are allowing their kids to refuse the state tests, the reporters go ask NYSED officials to comment (in the name of fairness). What the officials of our education department offer are soundbytes and talking points that are ridiculous, at best, and completely insulting, at worst. Without further ado, here are the six most insulting things that NYSED keeps repeating in the media.#6 Parents don’t care about their kids’ progress