Superintendent & School Board Overrules Community Voice to Close Schools in Sacramento’s Poorest Communities
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 minutes ago

(69) Superintendent & School Board Overrules Community Voice to Close Schools in Sacramento’s Poorest Communities: *Superintendent & School Board Overrules Community Voice to Close Schools in Sacramento’s Poor Communities* * * * * * * SACRAMENTO, CA – Amidst hundreds of disenfranchised parents, four Board Members (Cueno, Woo, Hansen, Kennedy) and Superintendent Raymond arbitrarily and inconsistently applied standards to close seven schools in Sacramento Unified City School District (SCUSD). Moments before the School Board was prepared to vote on the “wrong-sizing” proposal, Superi... more »
Louisiana Educator: Two Flaws in Accountability
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 24 minutes ago
Louisiana Educator: Two Flaws in Accountability: Two Flaws in Accountability by Michael Deshotels I served on a panel in Lafayette Thursday for a discussion of the status of education in Louisiana sponsored by the Louisiana Association of Educators. As part of the panel presentation I pointed out two serious flaws in the Louisiana school accountability system. After the forum, a couple of teachers asked me to write a post on those two issues so that the teachers and other educators who were not able to attend the forum could also utilize this information in discussions with their... more »
State Auditors determine Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor and the Malloy Administration dodged bidding requirements - Wait, What?
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 28 minutes ago
State Auditors determine Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor and the Malloy Administration dodged bidding requirements - Wait, What?: State Auditors determine Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor and the Malloy Administration dodged bidding requirements by jonpelto Wait, What? readers know the long, ugly story behind yesterday’s news that Commissioner Stefan Pryor did, in fact, use a quasi-state agency, the State Education Resource Center (SERC), to get around state bidding laws so that he could hire companies and individuals that he had worked with in the past. State Auditors have... more »
ASCD Releases 2013 Legislative Agenda — Whole Child Education
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 36 minutes ago
ASCD Releases 2013 Legislative Agenda — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG [image: Melissa Mellor]ASCD Releases 2013 Legislative Agenda February 22, 2013 by Melissa Mellor ASCD's 2013 Legislative Agenda (PDF) urges Congress to immediately reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and replace it with a comprehensive rewrite that fixes the current law's flaws; aligns with and supports state and local initiatives; and guides revisions to other federal programs, such as special education and career and technical education. Now 11 years old and five years ove... more »
Addressing the Achievement Gap: Opportunities for Young Men of Color | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 40 minutes ago
Addressing the Achievement Gap: Opportunities for Young Men of Color | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights: Addressing the Achievement Gap: Opportunities for Young Men of Color by Tarsi Dunlop The Commission on Equity and Excellence had a Congressional mandate to provide advice to Secretary Duncan on the disparities in meaningful educational opportunities and to recommend ways in which federal policies can address such disparities. They just released a report titled “For Each and Every Child,” after a two year work period. The distinguished members of the panel, wit... more »
Teacher questions value of AP program
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Teacher questions value of AP program: Teacher questions value of AP program Posted by Valerie Strauss on February 22, 2013 at 8:30 am - [image: Smaller Text] [image: Larger Text] Text Size - Print - Reprints - Share: - - - More » [image: princeton-review-ap-government]Earlier this month I published what turned out to be a very popular post by veteran educator Kenneth Bernstein — known online as teacherken — that was a warning to college professors about the level of preparation for higher education that high school students were receiving. My colleague Jay... more »
Daily Kos: thoughts on writing and political participation
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Daily Kos: thoughts on writing and political participation: thoughts on writing and political participation by (teacherken) Like many in the blogosphere, I often opine on issues on which I lack formal expertise. Once I get beyond education, I would be hard put to justify my opinions on the basis of either formal education or job experience. In that sense I am no different than many who are paid great sums to offer their bloviations, the pundit class. I may agree with them - as I usually do with the likes of Paul Krugman, Charles M. Blow, and Eugene Robinson - ... more »
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-22-13 Diane Ravitch's blog
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Charter Scandal In New Jersey by dianerav The LEAP charter school in Camden, New Jersey, is now caught up in allegations of incompetence, cronyism, and abuse, reports Jersey Jazzman. The finances of the school are a mess, its academic performance is poor, yet State Commissioner of Education showers it with praise. It’s problems are long-standing, but the department close to ignore them. Just last fall, Oklahoma Chief Channels Jeb Bush by dianerav Coach Bob Sikes in Florida knows how phony that state’s A-... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Weasel Migration: USDOE to Murdoch Inc.
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Jersey Jazzman: Weasel Migration: USDOE to Murdoch Inc.: Weasel Migration: USDOE to Murdoch Inc. by Duke *@EdPressSec* Just in case you were worried that the Washington public-private revolving door was restricted to Capitol Hill: Cozy. *Justin Hamilton, who recently left the U.S. Department of Education, where he served as press secretary for Secretary Arne Duncan, has gone to work for Amplify, the online education company owned by Rupert Murdoch and run by Joel Klein.* Hamilton is senior vice president for corporate communications. Klein, the former chancellor of New York City ... more »
Commander Data, The Borg, and the NYC DOE
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago Commander Data, The Borg, and the NYC DOE by (Bronx Teacher) Isn't it amazing how art sometimes imitates life? I swear, I have watched Star Trek: First Contact a thousand times. Never before have I been able to put two and two together and see the striking similarities between the movie and the DOE. Most striking though is the scene in which Commander Data first encounters the Borg Queen. In the scene Data is in the engineering section when the Borg Queen comes upon him. Like the Blue Angel promises to make Pinocchio a real boy, ... more »
solidaridad: MBC Korean News Features LAUSD Board Candidate Robert D. Skeels and Adult Ed Students
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
solidaridad: MBC Korean News Features LAUSD Board Candidate Robert D. Skeels and Adult Ed Students: MBC Korean News Features LAUSD Board Candidate Robert D. Skeels and Adult Ed Students by Robert D. Skeels * rdsathene Popout MBC Korean News segment on our press conference in front of the Korean American Education Foundation, one of the several sites that the incumbent callously shut down. We were honored to be interviewed by MBC News' Reporter Shirley Aeree Kim 김애리 and Director of Photography Simon Park
Mother Crusader: Paterson Board of Education Will Act On Charter Approvals
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Mother Crusader: Paterson Board of Education Will Act On Charter Approvals: Paterson Board of Education Will Act On Charter Approvals by darciecima While suburban districts in New Jersey have had their share of victories stopping the charter onslaught, so far urban district's haven't found their voice. That may be changing, and Paterson may be poised to turn the tide. I have written four posts (here, here, here and here) about the Paterson Collegiate Charter School application which was approved last week. As I was writing the story, I reached out to Paterson board member Dr. Jo... more »
Study compliments and questions Brown’s funding formula | EdSource Today
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 2 hours ago
Study compliments and questions Brown’s funding formula | EdSource Today: Study compliments and questions Brown’s funding formula ** February 22nd, 2013 | Add a Comment | By John Fensterwald Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on emailShare on print More Sharing Services [image: This graph shows the strong relationship between results on California Standards Tests and poverty, with highest scoring API scores in the upper left going to children not in poverty. Source: CA Dept; of Education (click to enlarge).] This graph shows the strong relationship between results on California ... more »
Sacramento City Unified Votes to Close Seven Elementary Schools | KTXL FOX40
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Sacramento City Unified Votes to Close Seven Elementary Schools | KTXL FOX40: Sacramento City Unified Votes to Close Seven Elementary Schools - [image: See bio, contact info, and more articles from Ian McDonald] 4 hours ago by Ian McDonald Web Producer - *Sacramento Unified Considers Closing 11 Elementary Schools* Comments - - Share This Update - ** ** ** [image: SCUSD meeting]SACRAMENTO- After a long and intense meeting that started Thursday evening and stretched into early Friday morning, the Sacramento City Unified School District Board of... more »
Sacramento City district trustees vote to close seven schools - Education - The Sacramento Bee
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Sacramento City district trustees vote to close seven schools - Education - The Sacramento Bee: ' Sacramento City district trustees vote to close seven schools by (Melody Gutierrez) Trustees in the Sacramento City Unified School District voted 4-3 to close seven schools at the end of this school year after a lengthy school board meeting Thursday night. Natalyn Yang, 11, a student at Susan B. Anthony Elementary, asks Sacramento City Unified School District trustees Thursday not to close her school. Tracie Green, center, raises her arms in support of speakers w... more »
The In box. Jersey Jazzman: Chicago teachers have CORE and Lewis. « Fred Klonsky
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
The In box. Jersey Jazzman: Chicago teachers have CORE and Lewis. « Fred Klonsky: The In box. Jersey Jazzman: Chicago teachers have CORE and Lewis. by Fred Klonsky [image: ravitchlewis] *This world needs more women willing to speak truth to power. Diane Ravitch and Karen Lewis.* From the Jersey Jazzman’s blog: *Chicago Teachers, Be Thankful for Karen Lewis* * **I have made a point of staying out of local union politics. While I have shared my disagreements at times with labor leaders, I am ultimately on their team. I made a point of not telling members of the Newark Teachers Union ... more »
Ode to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and the Entire US Dept of Ed #askArne
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 13 hours ago
On Leadership Through Teaching Others To Lead | The Jose Vilson
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
On Leadership Through Teaching Others To Lead | The Jose Vilson: On Leadership Through Teaching Others To Lead by Jose Vilson Denzel Washington as Malcolm X [image: Denzel Washington as Malcolm X]Every year, the memory of this day usually sucks. The night before I went to Raleigh, North Carolina (for a Center for Teaching Quality board meeting), I went to my barbershop, where the guys played *Malcolm X* (the Spike Lee joint). I watch this movie almost annually, just to remind myself of the way this country still throws around the idea of an American dream, but always conveniently b... more »
Copyright Infringement or good Marketing
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
United Opt Out National: *Dan's Fresh Produce's photo.**United Opt Out National:* OCCUPY DOE 2.0: THE BATTLE FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS READ ALL DETAILS HERE « Back to Events Event:Occupy DOE 2.0: The Battle for Public Schools READ ALL DETAILS HERE Start:April 4, 2013End:April 7, 2013Organizer:United Opt Out National Updated:December 16, 2012Venue:U.S. Department of EducationAddress: Google Map 400 Maryland Ave, SW ,Washington, DC, DC,20202, United States Official schedule for our second occupation of the Dept. of Ed. in D.C. from April 4-7, 2013, is available *HERE.* Official press relea... more »
March 19 forum in Chicago with Garfield teacher Jesse Hagopian Parents United for Responsible Education
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » March 19 forum in Chicago with Garfield teacher Jesse Hagopian: March 19 forum in Chicago with Garfield teacher Jesse Hagopian by admin [image: March 19 flyer] More Than a Score and the Chicago Teachers Union are co-sponsoring a forum featuring Seattle teacher Jesse Hagopian, a leader of the Garfield High School test boycott, along with CTU president Karen Lewis. It will be held on Tuesday, March 19, at 7 pm at the Mt. Carmel MB Church. 2976 S Wabash. The Garfield teachers made national headlines earlier this month when they ... more »
PAA’s new weekly “Parent Voices Weekly Education Fax” to Congress | Parents Across America
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
PAA’s new weekly “Parent Voices Weekly Education Fax” to Congress | Parents Across America: PAA’s new weekly “Parent Voices Weekly Education Fax” to Congress by pureparents Yesterday PAA launched our new weekly education update for legislators and anyone else who should be hearing more about education issues from the parents’ point of view. Our fax went to all the members of the U. S. House and Senate education committees. We will post them every week on our blog and link to that in our newsletter. We hope that you will also send these as faxes, e-mails, or snail mails to your Co... more »
Modern School: 3 of California’s “Top” Schools On the Chopping Block, And Good Riddance
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 17 hours ago
Modern School: 3 of California’s “Top” Schools On the Chopping Block, And Good Riddance: 3 of California’s “Top” Schools On the Chopping Block, And Good Riddance by Michael Dunn What makes a “top” school, top? According to the San Francisco Chronicle (and most other media) it is test scores. Thanks to No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Obama’s Race to the Top (RttT), test scores are all that matter these days. This has led to numerous cheating scandals, as well as a reduction in science, arts, physical education and other curricula to make room for more test preparation. It has also ... more »
Sacramento Press / Decision time – board to decide fate of 10 elementary schools
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Sacramento Press / Decision time – board to decide fate of 10 elementary schools: Decision time – board to decide fate of 10 elementary schoolsby Karen Wilkinson, published on *February 21, 2013* at *1:38 PM* * * * Jerry Tambarino of Tahoe Park holds up a flyer while addressing the crowd at last week's meeting at Washington School. Tonight the future of 10 Sacramento schools will be decided by a board of seven. We'll be live blogging the meeting of the Sacramento City Unified School District's board of education, and will pay particular attention to the fate of Washington Elementar... more »
Define fiscally and morally irresponsible? Malloy’s plan for older, retired teachers. - Wait, What?
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Define fiscally and morally irresponsible? Malloy’s plan for older, retired teachers. - Wait, What?: Define fiscally and morally irresponsible? Malloy’s plan for older, retired teachers. by jonpelto There are a lot of crazy, irresponsible and down-right mean things in Governor Malloy’s budget proposal, but his plan to totally eliminate Connecticut’s contribution to the retired teachers’ health insurance fund may very well take the cake. For nearly sixty years, the State of Connecticut has been helping retired teachers acquire health insurance. Prior to 1986, active teachers did ... more »
The in box. Report from the ISBE meeting on special education class size limits. « Fred Klonsky
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
The in box. Report from the ISBE meeting on special education class size limits. « Fred Klonsky: The in box. Report from the ISBE meeting on special education class size limits. by Fred Klonsky *The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) voted 5* *to 1 (Vinni Hall voted no) to put out for public comment* *rules that would completely eliminate limits on special* *education class size.* *The proposed rules would mean there would be NO state limit* *on the number of students a special education teacher* *is required to serve.* *Also there would be NO state limit on the number of stud... more »
Two Florida Civil Rights Groups Oppose Parent Trigger Bill | StateImpact Florida
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Two Florida Civil Rights Groups Oppose Parent Trigger Bill | StateImpact Florida: Two Florida Civil Rights Groups Oppose Parent Trigger Bill - DOCUMENTS FEBRUARY 21, 2013 | 10:59 AMBY GINA JORDAN - *1* Comment - Email - - DIVERSITYINTEACHING/FLICKR Resolutions issued by the NAACP and LULAC Florida refer to parent trigger bills as controversial and experimental. Two civil right groups have teamed up to write resolutions against the proposedParent Empowerment in Education bill in Florida. The bill — best known as the “parent trigger” — passed the Florida House... more »
What’s Keeping America From Doing What’s Right For Children - Jeff Bryant
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 19 hours ago
What’s Keeping America From Doing What’s Right For Children - Jeff Bryant: What’s Keeping America From Doing What’s Right For Children By Jeff Bryant | February 21, 2013 - - *This post is republished from the Education Opportunity Network, a new online publication edited by Jeff Bryant.* After the horrendous murder of 20 school children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, a heartbroken President Obama implored the nation, “This is our first task – caring for our children. It’s our first job. If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right.” ... more »
HSS Professional Development Resources - History-Social Science (CA Dept of Education)
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
HSS Professional Development Resources - History-Social Science (CA Dept of Education): HSS Professional Development ResourcesProfessional development opportunities for educators that focus on effective implementation of the state content standards. ------------------------------ Successful implementation of the content standards, curriculum development, and instruction depend on teacher preparation and on long-term professional development. As described in the History-Social Science Framework, ongoing professional development should be planned for all teachers who teach the soc... more »
State Sen. Steinberg Supports SCUSD School Closures - Rosemont, CA Patch
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
State Sen. Steinberg Supports SCUSD School Closures - Rosemont, CA Patch: State Sen. Steinberg Supports SCUSD School Closures [image: File photo: Sen. Steinberg Speaking at a “Fund our Future” education rally.]As various groups voice their opposition to a plan to close 11 Sacramento City Unified School District schools–including one in Rosemont–one prominent state politician has come out backing it. Senate President pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento)said in a statement Wednesday that he supported the plan,which would close James W. Marshall Elementary School and 10 others,... more »
Most closed schools don't stay that way for long - Data Center - The Sacramento Bee
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
Most closed schools don't stay that way for long - Data Center - The Sacramento Bee: Most closed schools don't stay that way for long By Phillip Reese Published: Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 - 10:36 am Last Modified: Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 - 10:46 am If the Sacramento City Unified school board votes to close 10 schools tonight, chances are many will reopen soon as specialty or charter schools. School districts across Sacramento County have closed about 60 schools in the last 10 years. Fewer than half remain shuttered, according to a Bee review of data from the state Dep...more »
Diane in the Evening 2-21-13 Diane Ravitch's blog
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog: Two Determined Moms in Indiana Take On Common Core by dianerav These days, parents and educators often feel powerless in the face of the powerful forces that are steamrolling them. In Indiana, two moms started a campaign against he Common Core standards. They started with small groups, then organized large ones, and eventually made their voices heard in the state legislature. The battle is far from over, but hey made an important point. This is still a democracy. Two informed citizens can make a difference. How One Man Makes a Difference by dianerav Tim ... more »
Feeling Stressed? MetLife Survey Shows You are Not Alone - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago
Feeling Stressed? MetLife Survey Shows You are Not Alone - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Feeling Stressed? Metlife Survey Shows You are Not Alone by Anthony Cody The Metlife Survey of the American Teacher is out, and it shows that more than half of all teachers feel under great stress. This relates closely to the number of teachers who describe themselves as "very satisfied," which has fallen to an all-time low, at 39%. I wrote about the implications of this state of affairs last March. Last year's survey discovered that 29% of the nation's teachers were planning to... more »
First World Education Problems in Detroit (Part I) - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
First World Education Problems in Detroit (Part I) - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher: First World Education Problems in Detroit (Part I) by Nancy Flanagan You've probably seen the fun--and enlightening--meme/hashtag: #FirstWorldProblems. Running out of hot water after a 10-minute shower? First world problem. Can't get the book you're dying to read on Kindle? First world problem. And so on.[image: Packardgraf.JPG] Most of our American problems end up being first world problems, including those in education. If you want proof, think back to thefaces of children in H... more »
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Thursday, February 21, 2013
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: *Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee group donates $250,000 to candidates in LAUSD races* Education Headlines *Thursday, February 21, 2013* Report suggests broadly expanding federal K-12 education spendingIn a sweeping vision to broaden educational opportunity, a panel of national education leaders has recommended boosting teacher pay and training, widening access to preschool and adding an unprecedented level of federal involvement in schools. Ramona district, teachers head to fact finding in contract talksAfter nearly 18 months... more »
Sacramento City board appears split over tonight's vote on closing 10 schools - Education - The Sacramento Bee
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Sacramento City board appears split over tonight's vote on closing 10 schools - Education - The Sacramento Bee: Sacramento City board appears split over tonight's vote on closing 10 schools By Melody Gutierrez Published: Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 - 12:00 am | Page 1A Last Modified: Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 - 7:36 am The proposal to shutter 10 elementary schools in Sacramento City Unified School District tonight appears headed for a split vote after numerous critics questioned the method used to decide which schools should close. Several sources said newly appoin... more »
Mother Crusader: Poking Holes In A Charter Puff Piece; Waters, Perez And APP Say Charters Deserve More $$
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Mother Crusader: Poking Holes In A Charter Puff Piece; Waters, Perez And APP Say Charters Deserve More $$: Poking Holes In A Charter Puff Piece; Waters, Perez And APP Say Charters Deserve More $$ by darciecima Once again, Laura Waters infuriatingly tells only part of a story. In this case, she was aided and abetted byAsbury Park Press reporter Alesha Williams Boyd, who did a lazy job reporting a story about facilities funding for charters, using Academy Charter High School in Lake Como as a case study. The APP story feels like little more than a New Jersey Charter Schools Asso... more »
UPDATE: Evidence? They Can’t Handle the Evidence – @ the chalk face
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Evidence? They Can’t Handle the Evidence – @ the chalk face: I have little sympathy for the defense department #sequester by Chalk Face, PhD There’s a great deal of hand-wringing over this upcoming sequester which, according to most news outlets, could lead to around $85 billion in across-the-board cuts. The defense department is particularly upset, mentioning on CNN the possibility of furloughs. It’s hard to say who would ultimately be affected: But Hale said Defense Department civilian foreign employees would be exempted from pay cuts. There are about 50,000 foreign worker employ... more »
Districts as the Engine of School Reform: Past and Present (Part 2) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Districts as the Engine of School Reform: Past and Present (Part 2) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Districts as the Engine of School Reform: Past and Present (Part 2) by larrycuban [image: 5915471-M] Districts have again become the darlings of school reformers. Where once reformers, past and present, skipped back and forth lining up their cross-hairs on the best targets for improving schooling such as individual teachers and principals, whole schools, and districts, today’s school reformers generally target districts. Many reasons explain the shift to dis... more »
Latino Voices Sidelined in Texas School Reform Debate | NewsTacoNewsTaco
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Latino Voices Sidelined in Texas School Reform Debate | NewsTacoNewsTaco: Latino Voices Sidelined in Texas School Reform Debate by Texas Observer [image: texas_observer_logo]By Patrick Michels, Texas Observer [image: Latino-Coalition-for-Educational-Equity-712x475]Outside the Senate chamber Tuesday afternoon, advocates for minority students laid out their priorities for public education this session—and wondered why so few Latino experts have been invited to help shape this session’s biggest school reform bills. The press conference, heralding a new Latino Coalition for Educational ... more »
School Board Report – Feb. 20, 2013 « PWC Education Reform Blog
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
School Board Report – Feb. 20, 2013 « PWC Education Reform Blog: School Board Report – Feb. 20, 2013February 21, 2013 — pwceducationreform School Board Report for February 20, 2013 The meeting began a 7:24 with all members present. *Consent Aganda* All items on the consent agenda were approved unanimously. The items on the agenda include the following: 1. Adoption of the consent agenda 2. Music in out schools month 3. Theater in our schools month 4. Youth art month 5. MOU between PWC BOCS, PWCPS, and Prince William Crew Association 6. National playground safety week ...
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 2-16-13 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 2-9-13 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 2-2-13 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 1-26-13 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 1-19-13 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 1-12-13 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 1-5-13 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-21-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-20-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-19-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-18-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-17-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-16-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-15-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-14-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-13-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-12-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-11-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-10-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-9-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-8-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-7-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-6-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-5-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-4-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-3-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-2-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 2-1-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2