First World Education Problems in Detroit (Part I)
You've probably seen the fun--and enlightening--meme/hashtag: #FirstWorldProblems.
Running out of hot water after a 10-minute shower? First world problem.
Can't get the book you're dying to read on Kindle? First world problem. And so on.
Most of our American problems end up being first world problems, including those in education. If you want proof, think back to thefaces of children in Haiti after a devastating hurricane season, when makeshift schools were finally organized and they could spend part of their day sitting on benches, learning, with dozens of other children. Puts running out of blue Sharpies, being reassigned to a portable, or having 28 kids in your class in perspective, doesn't it?
Googling "first world education problems" takes you to Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog, where he's got a lengthy list of all the technical toys, skills and goodies we've come, in the first world, to see as essential to the work of teaching. Wryly amusing--can't get
Running out of hot water after a 10-minute shower? First world problem.
Can't get the book you're dying to read on Kindle? First world problem. And so on.

Most of our American problems end up being first world problems, including those in education. If you want proof, think back to thefaces of children in Haiti after a devastating hurricane season, when makeshift schools were finally organized and they could spend part of their day sitting on benches, learning, with dozens of other children. Puts running out of blue Sharpies, being reassigned to a portable, or having 28 kids in your class in perspective, doesn't it?
Googling "first world education problems" takes you to Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog, where he's got a lengthy list of all the technical toys, skills and goodies we've come, in the first world, to see as essential to the work of teaching. Wryly amusing--can't get