Is you child left behind?
Two Cents
Posted: 12/26/2012 11:50:49 AM MST

No Child Left Behind. What a great idea. Unfortunately, like the Super PACs, the great name hides the terrible intent behind this legislation. NCLB, as it is generally called, was passed in 2001 by a Republican Congress and signed by Republican President George Bush.
It represents the biggest federal intrusion into education since the founding of this country. The constitution clearly says that education is a state's right. So how did this happen?
The rationale behind it was that the states did not have to comply with the law. However, if they did not, they would lose all of their federal funding. It was a very clever way to bypass the constitution.
The law stated that by 2014 all students would master or be proficient in 100% of the curriculum tested. In reality, this means that all students will be above average by 2014. Only Congress could come up with such an impossible goal