Is an Elected Dingle-Berry-Pie Better Than an Appointed Dingle-Berry-Pie?
by pwceducationreform
Several days ago I posted an article about the election to fill the Woodbridge seat on the Prince William County School Board (see Playing Politics in Woodbridge). This seat was vacated when Denita Ramirez resigned from the School Board in November. An interim representative will be appointed to the Woodbridge seat on January 2, 2013 and will serve until a candidate is elected.
For several weeks rumors have been circulating that the election to fill the Woodbridge seat would be on April 9, 2013. It has been alleged that this date was specifically selected by Republicans on the School Board because Democratic turnout in a special election would be lower and that would increase the GOP’s chance of securing the seat for themselves. Some individuals have even gone so far as to allege that holding a special election would violate state election law.
So what’s true and what’s rumor?
To start, PWCS filed a petition with the circuit court around December 14, 2012 regarding Mrs. Ramirez’s resignation. The circuit court issued a Writ of Election (WRIT-CL12-8536) on December 16, 2012 calling for the election to be held, “on or before the general election in November 2013″ . That, based on my not-a-lawyer interpretation, means the election can be held any