They Want Your Rug. Ask TPS.
What does it feel like to have the rug pulled out from under you? All of us know this feeling to some extent. And when you thought the rug was your rug – and someone claims it is not, what do you do?
I have had the rug pulled out from under me many times in my life. But I have never experienced a school closing as a teacher or a parent. I wonder - what would I do? Now I sit here in Denver seething, then crying, then seething, then wondering who I can punch or what choice words I might email to the judge who upheld the closing of The Project School or the dictator mayor who first recommended it. Who the hell are they? What the F&%$ do they know about TPS and the fearless and dedicated parents and teachers? Nothing.
This isn’t their rug – and they took it – without warning, without due process or any intelligent reasoning for its