What is the CTA Teacher Evaluation Framework and why was it developed?
Any educator will tell you that the current drive-by evaluation system is not working. The CTA Teacher Evaluation Framework is designed to help educators and CTA to take the lead in our profession, in teacher evaluation discussions nationally, and in California by providing a framework for educators and districts to use when developing and bargaining their own local evaluation programs. It centers on the underlying principle that the goal of any evaluation system is to strengthen the knowledge, skills and practices of teachers to improve student learning. The Framework expands on the Teacher Evaluation Principles adopted by State Council in June 2011 and provides guidance to local educators and their unions, as well as local school districts and the state Legislature in how to approach teacher evaluation.
Where did the Framework come from and who wrote it?
The Framework comes from the work of the CTA Teacher Evaluation Workgroup, which includes a broad cross section of local educators throughout California, State Council members, chapter presidents, higher education faculty and CTA staff. The Workgroup was created by the CTA Board of Directors upon recommendation of the CTA ESEA Workgroup in February 2010.
The Workgroups charge: CTA will research and develop effective educator and administrator evaluation models and teacher licensing models for consideration that improve student learning and advance the teaching profession.
The Workgroup focused on developing an educator evaluation model first. The Framework was written by members of the Workgroup through a series of small and large group meetings and with the support of CTA staff. The next charge of the Workgroup is to provide guidance on teacher licensing and principal evaluation.
Who is on the Teacher Evaluation Workgroup and how were members appointed?
The Workgroup was appointed by the CTA Board of Directors. It includes a cross section of local educators throughout California, State Council members, chapter presidents, higher education faculty and CTA staff. It also includes the Chairs and staff consultants from seven State Council committees to ensure input from all policy committees that have direct work with teacher evaluation and assessment. (See list at right.)
What types of documents and materials did the Workgroup review to inform the Framework?
The Workgroup read and reviewed multiple national and state education research reports, reviewed teacher evaluation models from several different states; reviewed evaluation frameworks and guides from NEA, AFT and other leading educational organizations; and heard from leading experts in the teaching and assessment fields including Stanford Professor of Education Linda Darling-Hammond and nationally recognized assessment expert and retired UCLA Graduate School of Education Professor James Popham.
Did the Workgroup solicit input from CTA members?
Yes, through several different venues at multiple times. The first discussions started at State Council in June of 2010 when all State Council committees were asked to discuss three questions regarding quality evaluation systems. Each State Council member was also given the opportunity to respond to an individual written survey to provide further input. The Workgroup then moved outreach beyond State Council and created an all-member, online survey that launched in February 2012. The survey was sent to members through CTA email, from Chapter Presidents and Service Center Council Chairs and was promoted in the California Educator. More than 3,100 educators responded. The greatest concentration of responses, 2,600, occurred February-April 2011. The Workgroup received and reviewed all of that input before beginning to draft the framework. In addition, a draft of the Framework was reviewed by all seven State Council committees represented on the Workgroup at the March 2012 meeting. The