Anti-Seizure Medication Administration

Senate Bill (SB) 161 pertaining to the administration of emergency anti-seizure medication by trained volunteer nonmedical school personnel was signed by the Governor in October 2011, codified in California Education Code (EC) 49414.7, and became effective January 1, 2012. The bill requires that the California Department of Education post on its Web site a clearinghouse for best practices in training nonmedical personnel to administer an emergency anti-seizure medication to pupils. California EC 49414.7(m)(2).
The following resources are provided for reference purposes only. More detailed information may be found by following the links provided.
The California Department of Education does not endorse any particular program, model, or product described herein.
Sample Form - The Administration of Anti-Seizure Medication (DOC)
Per California EC 49414.7(l)(6)(A)-(J), Title 5 California Code of Regulations 626(a)(3)(A)-(J), this sample form can be used by school personnel for the administration of anti-seizure medication.
Per California EC 49414.7(l)(6)(A)-(J), Title 5 California Code of Regulations 626(a)(3)(A)-(J), this sample form can be used by school personnel for the administration of anti-seizure medication.
Guidelines for the Emergency Use of Anti-Seizure Medication in Tennessee Schools
Tennessee Department of Health and Tennessee Department of Education, 2009
(Material from other states or agencies may provide helpful guidance, however all documents should be viewed with caution as such documents may not be in accordance with California law.)

Tennessee Department of Health and Tennessee Department of Education, 2009
(Material from other states or agencies may provide helpful guidance, however all documents should be viewed with caution as such documents may not be in accordance with California law.)
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions and answers pertaining to SB 161 anti-seizure medication law.
Questions and answers pertaining to SB 161 anti-seizure medication law.
Program Advisory on Medication Administration, California Department of Education (PDF)
As authorized by the California Code of Regulations Title 5, Section 611, and approved on May 12, 2005, by the State Board of Education, this advisory provides non-binding guidance to local educational agencies on medication administration in California public schools.
As authorized by the California Code of Regulations Title 5, Section 611, and approved on May 12, 2005, by the State Board of Education, this advisory provides non-binding guidance to local educational agencies on medication administration in California public schools.
Questions: Coordinated School Health & Safety Office | | 916-319-0914
State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Announces Financial
Backing for School Construction and Modernization Projects

SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced today that the State Allocation Board
(SAB) disbursed more than $637 million for new school construction and modernization projects benefitting 198 school projects in 96 school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools throughout the state.

"Our schools face severe challenges, and these funds help boost California's investment in the next generation, giving districts some of the necessary tools to construct or rebuild our schools, create jobs in the community, and provide students with better opportunities for a successful future." Torlakson said.
Torlakson's Schools of the Future Initiative (1MB; PDF) encourages districts to strive for 21st Century student learning by modernizing their facilities through the use of new technology, energy efficiency upgrades and spaces for science and career technology education.
Torlakson is one of 10 members of the SAB which meets monthly to allocate state matching funds for the construction of new classrooms, the modernization of existing schools and other programs to provide 21st Century learning environments, and adopts policies and regulations regarding SAB programs. The funds allocated by the SAB are from voter approved general obligation bonds which cannot be used for school operational expenses.
For the complete list of the allocations, go to the State Allocation Board's online agenda
, click on the "Action Items" tab, and see page 192.

# # # #
Tom Torlakson — State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Communications Division, Room 5206, 916-319-0818, Fax 916-319-0100
Communications Division, Room 5206, 916-319-0818, Fax 916-319-0100