Week 23: I don’t know where this is going, but it feels like the right place
I am sooooo busy with union stuff, but I did the full week at work, and there are some great stories to share from the classroom.
En general, my classroom is an interesting place. Most of the class is on a better grove of work and behavior, but a couple are trying to work their own program, which makes it a drag for the rest of the kids, and more work for the adults involved (their parent, myself, my student teachers, heck even the principal). It was a windy week, which can make it a bit crazy too. I started the week really needing to put on my “game face” as we (the kids, and me) are realizing, there are no more 3-day weeks (February holidays) or minimum days (for parent conferences), and we won’t have Spring Break until April.
Enough kvetching! What did we do? First to help my student teacher establish her authority, etc. and to rein in