Christie Caught In a Whopperby: Jersey JazzmanSun Jan 22, 2012 at 09:55:30 AM EST |
I'm sure you're all shocked to hear this, but a video just released this morning pretty much proves that Chris Christie lied at his town hall in Voorhees last week: That's right: Amir Khan - charter school founder, anti-marriage equity activist, and terrible speller - has been on the dais for TWO Christie "town halls." Khan says he's met with Christie "frequently." But when asked about Khan, Christie said, "I don't know who you're talkin' |
Seattle School Board Meeting, January 22, 2025
*Update 2:*
I forgot the Board had an executive session at 3:30 pm; clearly, it ran
The SPS channel has its music that I call “school board meetin...
1 hour ago