Published by Coopmike48 – 5 news spotters today
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Generals Offer Apology for Violent Clashes in Egypt - CAIRO — Egyptian generals offered an unusual apology on Thursday for the killings of protesters in Tahrir Square, the iconic landmark of Egypt’s revolution, as violence around the huge plaza was re...

APPR Paper - Long Island Principals - In May 2010, the New York State Legislature—in an effort to secure federal Race to the Top funds—approved an amendment to Educational Law 3012-c regarding the Annual Professional Performance Review...

Video game taps into Occupy Wall Street - By Liana B. Baker NEW YORK | Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:14am IST NEW YORK (Reuters) - When gamers take the wraps off the new "BioShock" video game next year, they should not be surprised if parts of the ga...

For Philly public schools, barbarian is Gates - Then how has Bill Gates become the liberals' Grover Norquist? Just as Norquist, elected by and accountable to no one, tied the hands of the "supercommittee" with his no-new-taxes pledge, Gates unde...

Thanks to you! - Thanksgiving - In keeping with American tendencies, Thanksgiving is a bastard holiday, cobbled together from homegrown traditions and the hokey imaginings of 19th century writers, along with actual historical fac...

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coopmike48 Thank you, Mr. B! - The Education Report - Katy Murphy's blog on Oakland schools #Edu10 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
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The Chronicle of Higher Education - November 23, 2011, 2:57 pm By Peter Wood Sunday, unseasonably warm and beautiful for late fall, I wandered coatless across Central Park to a meeting of the New York affiliate of the National Associ...

Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation - Last year Sue and I discovered that a lot of money from Bill Gates and the Broad Foundation was being funneled into several organizations in Seattle to push the ideas of ed reform. See The Lines of...

TCRecord: Article - This summer I had the pleasure of visiting DC Prep, a charter school in Washington, D.C. whose most recent class of eighth graders scored 100% proficiency in reading and math, as measured by standa...

SocietySee all
In New York, Mexicans Lag in Education - In the past two decades, the Mexican population in New York City has grown more than fivefold, with immigrants settling across the five boroughs. Many adults have demonstrated remarkable success at...

New city signs at Occupy L.A. draw mixed reactions from protesters - Signs warning against staying overnight at Los Angeles City Hall drew mixed reactions from Occupy L.A. protesters and others camped outside the downtown landmark, with some saying they feared evict...

In New York, Mexicans Lag in Education - In the past two decades, the Mexican population in New York City has grown more than fivefold, with immigrants settling across the five boroughs. Many adults have demonstrated remarkable success at...

StoriesSee all
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… - Here are a few more additions to The Best Sites To Learn & Teach About Thanksgiving: Classic Thanksgivings is a Newsweek slideshow. Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Thanksgiving is a slideshow f...

Live Blog for #Occupy Movement: Thanksgiving Day - There will probably be very few items here today, as I take a break and enjoy Thanksgiving with family. I wrote up a post on why Occupy is significant this Thanksgiving. Here are a few items to get...

Top Content this Week - The Educator's PLN - Top Content this Week - The Educator's PLN:Top Content this WeekTop Content Rank1Propose #edchat Questions here!Posted by Shelly Terrell on November 10, 20092What can Academics learn from Athletics...

PoliticsSee all
A Misconception About Asian Schooling - Nicholas Kristof (“When school comes first,” Views, Nov. 11) is right when he says Americans should care more about education, like people do in Asia. However, the key to building human capital is ...

Ed Schulz Interviews Brian Austin of Madison Professional Police Officers Assoc. | - Brian Austin of Madison Professional Police Officers Association appeared on Ed Schulz’ show the other evening to explain why and how Madison Police interacted with thousands of protesters without ...

Russian anchor off air for finger gesture in Obama story - Reuters 3:08 p.m. EST, November 24, 2011 MOSCOW (Reuters) - A famous Russian TV anchor has been taken off the air for making an obscene gesture after mentioning U.S. President Barack Obama in a liv...

LeisureSee all
Brined, Deep-Fried Turkey - Trust me; Alton Brown knows what he is talking about: I didn't do the ladder, because that's just silly, but I did brine in the large cooler with the salt and brown sugar, and the bird was really m...

Happy Thanksgiving – have a serving of ‘black’ mac and cheese, courtesy of Pat Robertson - Before heading down to crazee-land, I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to all reading this post. I am thankful for all of the Blenders who accept the sometimes-random, eclectic ramblings of your...

What to do with those Thanksgiving leftovers - - via News Taco Thanksgiving, a day of family, fun and most of all food. It is inevitable that you will have leftovers that can feed you for the next week. But it can be boring to eat them the same...

Art & EntertainmentSee all
J.K. Rowling chased from home by press, she says - Actress Sienna Miller testified being hounded by the press was "terrifying."London (CNN) -- Paparazzi hounded "Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling so constantly after her children were born that she ...

More Than Celluloid... - George Clooney's been pushing for peaceful change in the Sudan...Ed Norton's been focusing on biodiversity, and sustainability and the environment.And then there's Morgan Freeman, David Stratha...

Festive Thanksgiving Day Parade heads through NYC - NEW YORK — A festive mood prevailed Thursday as the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade made its way through the crowded streets of Manhattan beneath brilliant sunshine. AP FILE PHOTO The Kermit ...

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Half of black children in Oregon live in poverty, new census data shows | - Half of black children in Oregon live in poverty, new census data shows | of black children in Oregon live in poverty, new census data showsby Nikole Hannah-Jones, The Oregonian...

Will Charter USA “Stockpiling” in Florida be Boosted by its Friends in High Places? | Scathing Purple Musings - Will Charter USA “Stockpiling” in Florida be Boosted by its Friends in High Places? | Scathing Purple Musings:Will Charter USA “Stockpiling” in Florida be Boosted by its Friends in High Places?by B...

Active Game-Based Learning « Whole Child Education - The Whole Child Blog « Whole Child Education:Active Game-Based Learningby ASCD Whole Child BloggersPost submitted by Andrew Miller, an international consultant who works independently and for group...

#owsSee all
New city signs at Occupy L.A. draw mixed reactions from protesters - Signs warning against staying overnight at Los Angeles City Hall drew mixed reactions from Occupy L.A. protesters and others camped outside the downtown landmark, with some saying they feared evict...

Occupy Gives Hope to Struggling Americans This Thanksgiving - More than two and a half million Americans slipped into poverty this year bringing the total number of Americans in poverty to 46.2 million. There are millions more Americans near or in danger of g...

Big Education Ape: 11-24-11 PM Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation EDition #OWS #EDreform - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now:Published by Coopmike48 – 4 news spotters todayNext update in about 11 hoursSee all articlesHEADLINESEDUCATIONSOCIETYSTORIESPOLITICSENVIRONMENTCRIME#OWS#EDUBill Gates...