Teachers vs parents: Round two
updated 9:19 AM EST, Thu September 8, 2011
Teachers and parents sound off over who is to blame for education problems.
- Essay written by teacher Ron Clark outrages some parents
- They disagree with his statement that parents need to trust teachers
- Some say teachers don't respect students or parents
(CNN) -- Some parents and teachers have no respect for each other. A few apparently hate the other side. Both sides started firing off heated comments after Ron Clark, a teacher who started his own school, wrote an essay for CNN.com asking parents to work with teachers for the sake of their kids.
Clark wrote it was insulting to teachers when after they tell a parent their child did something wrong the parent asks the student, "Did you do that?"
Bandynose disagreed, writing, "I will never take the word of a teacher or any adult at face value when it comes to my kids. I will ask them straight out if it's true. If they say no, I'm going to ask you